Friday, November 11, 2005

What's Up On Planet 11:11?

So how's your day going? I'm so so so excited about bloody everything right now because of how obviously the 11:11 energies are flowing around me, so you could probably just about butter me up and call me toast!

I know there's a few of us that have been inundated with all kinds of 11:11 emails of varying degrees of consciousness but today I've got one that is a MUST-READ.

What's Up On Planet Earth? energy alerts are in my opinion by far the BEST of their kind on the 'Net and I trust the information that comes through them more than any other source besides my own intuition or knowledge base.

There's a good reason for that. The woman who writes them trained Ananara, who did my 12-string DNA activations in Sept and Oct. I have yet to go into some of the details of those sessions, but my goodness, when I do, you'll know why I think she's the shit.

If Karen was her teacher then there's no question in my mind of her integrity and access to the higher realms. I am grateful beyond words that I had that work done, and I have already had significant changes for the better occur in all areas of my life because of it. It'll be a lot of fun to write it all down.

So please take what works for you and leave the rest. I hope that it really helps you as much as it has me. I've been a long-time fan of Karen's but if you're not already, maybe after reading this you'll become another one yourself.

There is much excitement in the air in the higher realms as the event of November 11, 2005 draws near. The non-physical beings are celebrating…..the trumpets are sounding in jubilation…..there is joy and accomplishment in the air. A landmark has been reached…….a phase has been completed…….and the “qualifications” have been met that will make this monumentous event of 11:11 like no other 11:11 before.

As if at the conclusion of a big moon landing event, with much back slapping present, and a big “success!” all ‘round, the energies in the higher realms are saying, “we've done it!”.

November 11, 2004 opened a stargate and a beautiful stairway to Heaven that gave an opportunity for some (notably the first wavers) to gain access to the higher realms. The opening was most assuredly there. This created an effect like ripples in a pond, as December 12, 2004 brought in the enormous changes in the physical that would make the year 2005 a year “of destruction and change” that we would never forget.

With higher energies and new opportunities present for more of the masses to be affected, a second wave was able to begin ascension in April and May. And then we reached the critical mass in August and everything changed forever.

So what in the world is going on now? Where are we in this process and why is November 11 such an impactful time?

Because the critical mass will now have the opportunity to go to the higher realms. But this time, instead of an incredible opening and stairway to Heaven, Heaven will descend upon the Earth and integrate its energies and ways of being in every nook and cranny possible. The critical mass has brought Heaven HERE like never before.

Several weeks ago we again had the “choice” energy, or the opportunity to decide if we would go or stay (when). Would we choose to stay and become a part of a New World , or would our souls choose a different scenario in a different reality that better suited the needs of our individual soul plans? The results of this time became more impactful than we could have ever imagined.

Whether conscious of it or not, many, many chose the light. So many chose the light, that it greatly impacted how the opening through the gates of 11:11 would manifest itself.

Basically, we are now at the Pearly Gates. We have arrived at the Kingdom of Heaven . We have chosen to “accept” the Christ consciousness within us. Our hearts have opened. The world will never again be the same.

And how will this manifest? In many ways.

We are now being “wired” to connect through the heart. As the ascension process involves “going out of our minds”, we have come far. To be readied for our new residency in the higher realms, we must be in alignment with this type of energy and this way of being. This is why many of us are having much physical discomfort now in the heart area. It is manifesting as back pain, stressed muscles, heart palpitations, and so forth.

As 11:11 draws near, we are once again being purified to match the new vibratory rate it will place us in. You may develop a cough or what feels like a flu with much body pain. Each and every cell within us is being adjusted. We cough when we are releasing what is being purged. We are going deep.

And then there is the neck pain. Stiff necks and muscular pain in the neck area are ever present as we are most certainly growing and sprouting our angel wings as we become more and more the human angels that will evolve beyond every existing being in the universe. We are paving the way for all to follow.

Heat and night sweats are burning off all that is of a lower vibration as well. And an enormous amount of higher level energy is pouring in through our crown chakras. I literally have what feels like a bruise on the top of my head with an ever increasing tightness occurring as this energy continues to arrive and integrate. And this energy that serves to greatly expand us and our consciousness can also create bloating and indigestion.

These are but a few symptoms, and I am sure there are more. What can we do to assist and support this process? Get plenty of rest. And as I have mentioned many times before, try gentle yoga. It reaches many levels in the body and seems to be one of the most effective remedies to balance and distribute the New energies. If you are a meditator, this can also help as it aligns the energetic rhythms of the higher realms with your body. I am personally not a meditator, but I understand what the star beings are saying when they recommend meditation. Yoga has the same results as well.

The ascension process is a very natural process. I have found over the years that attempting any type of healing modality greatly causes interference with the process and really screws things up. The more and more we progress through ascension, the more it is found that the body can really take care of itself. Healings become highly obsolete and literally vibrate at much too low of levels for those who have made good ascension progress. And we really need no “help” or intervention in accepting these higher vibrations. Relaxing, accepting and understanding the process is all we really need do. (And remember, we are all being monitored and watched over by loving ascension guides.)

Other manifestations will arrive in the form of more Earth changes. With a critical mass of individuals now embodying higher vibratory rates, and knowing that we are, in essence, the Earth herself, she will need to adjust as well. This newly arriving overlay of 11:11 will create much sorting and shifting. Much will deteriorate and leave.

We may also feel as though we are undergoing internal shaking, shuddering, trauma and great displacement. We are. All that is here is undergoing this process. Ascension phases always bring the feelings of “no sense of place”, as much is being derailed and uprooted to Newer and more highly evolved ways of being and residing. Even if you have not recently moved geographically (and MANY of us have), you may feel as though you have arrived somewhere strange and different and wonder where in the world you are. And you may feel traumatized and disoriented for no apparent reason.

With more Earth changes due to arrive and more loss of life, we have also been feeling these energies as well. At times it may seem a miracle that we are able to function at all!

As the advent of 11:11 draws near and eventually arrives, it will most likely create chaos. Those that have not realized that their power comes from the light and from really connecting with and knowing who they are, will want to grasp and panic and attack regarding feelings of not getting what they feel is their due. They are still holding onto the external. The trick is to be in the moment, let everything go, know that we are incredible creator Gods ourselves, and know that all our needs are always met. The higher vibrational ways come in very easily now and that particular road is very easy to match up with. There is a great mismatch with the old lower vibrating systems and ways, and the doors don't open as easily to the old ways for those of us who now vibrate much higher.

Yes, we are greatly readying for the massive opening of 11:11:2005. And this time, it is an opportunity for so many more of us! It is a great reunion. It is an incredible joining of the worlds. It is an amazing joining of souls. It is a very special union of the New Earth with star beings. And it will be a time to rejoice…..enough of us have agreed to leave the old world and old ways behind. Things had to get that bad so that enough would be willing to let go. This was part of the plan. All was always in order.

Are you ready to embody much more Source energy? Are you ready to remember who you really are? Are you ready to see others for who they really are? Are you ready to finally let go of your misperceptions about how you thought things were? Are you ready to see that everything has always been in divine right order according to our plan?

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

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