Friday, November 18, 2005

Recording Session One

Listening: Pleiadian Perspectives on House Music Vol 1 - Liz Millar

Mood: Happy and Sweaty

I feel like a new Liz. This week has been one of THE best weeks of my life. For one thing,I can't remember the last time I woke up, put on one of my mixes and gyrated around my bedroom in my underwear for the first couple hours of the day. And now I'm covered in sweat, but happier than I've been for a very LONG time.

There are many reasons why and I will spend some time over the weekend describing what's been going on in much more detail, but one of the main reasons of course is the fact that I'll soon be presenting radio shows on BBS Radio and as you can see from the photo here, I have been getting busy in the studio preparing for it.

This photo was taken yesterday at the end of the first recording session with my dear friend Pieter Bourke, at his very sexy, very lickable studio(at least I think it's lickable...) here in Melbourne.

I have quite a lot to say about Pieter and I - we've known each other since we were teenagers. We've been big influences in each other's lives, but for the last few years we've both been doing our own thing and haven't seen much of each other until just recently.

The thing that ultimately put us back in touch with each other was when I did some screenings here earlier this year of the great docos "911 In Plane Site" and William Henry's "Stargates of the Gods" and Pieter came along. We both realized that although we hadn't seen much of each other, our lives were still paralleling each other's in a big way, and our interests had evolved along similar paths. That felt so good for me as I've always loved and respected him tremendously.

Since we've been out of each other's lives he and I have been very busy getting our careers going, and it's been so wonderful to watch how well Pieter has done. He was nominated for a Golden Globe Award twice, first in in 1999 for composing the soundtrack for "The Insider", and in 2001 for "Ali", which he recorded with Lisa Gerrard from Dead Can Dance. It made me so proud, and now we're in the studio together to put together the radio shows and to record some relaxation/meditation CDs. His music, my voice - should be a winnning combination.

We'll let you know when they're ready.

Pieter and Liz in the pyramids

"Hey Pieter, is that a pyramid on your head...?"

"We've known each other for too long Liz"

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