Monday, November 07, 2005


Listening: Stephen Buhner discusses the secret intelligence of plants on Future Talk with Zohara Heironimous.

Feeling: chipper

Hey check out the time below! As I was just about to begin typing, I glanced at the time on my monitor and smiled as I've had the information below to pass on for a week now but I haven't felt it was the "right time" to put it up. Now I know why.

For all of you who may not have seen these messages it is VERY worth having a read. I'm certain it will spark all kinds of new streams of consciousness and give one a very unique perspective on the significance of this year's date. As always, take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

*Incidently the significance of "111" is, according to numerology, Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want not what you don't want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speed.

November 11, 2005 - 11:11:11 - A Cosmic Moment

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 11, 2005 - 11:11:11(11) 2 + (11) 2 + (2005) 7 = 11

This is a momentous time, and many facets of the Divine Plan are unfolding simultaneously. All Lightworkers are being asked by the Company of Heaven to redouble our efforts, and to BE HERE NOW!

Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. Our I AM Presence encoded this sacred geometry into our genetic patterns prior to this embodiment.

For some time now people have been noticing 11:11 on digital clocks and various digital readouts. This code activates within us the genetic memory of the transformation we are all going through.

The 11:11 code represents the transformation of the 3rd-Dimensional plane into the higher 4th-Dimensional plane of existence. Now because of the incredible changes that have taken place within every evolving soul on Earth, we are ready for 11:11:11. The transformation of the 3rd- and 4th-Dimensional planes into the higher 5th-Dimensional plane.

The five days leading up to November 11, November 6-10, will be final days of cleansing and preparation. During these days, listen to your I AM Presence. Pray, meditate, be in nature, open your heart to God's Infinite Love and be at Peace.

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn ( & Ronna Herman.

11 November celebrates the opening of the 11:11:11 stargate. As with all these events, this means huge challenging changes for all those on the path of Conscious Ascension, it will also be a time of great radiance and clarity with the gift of this energy being the complete alignment of the higher and lower aspects of the self in absolute integrity.

Our heart chakras are experiencing a major 'tune up' at present and the emphasis for us is to express sincerely through the heart which will bring this balance into being. Should you be stirred by the chaotic energy around us, centralize yourself by tapping into the higher Spirit within, and view this time from a distance with the Divine Knowing that we will always be more than OK.

Everything that is not in alignment with your Higher Purpose will fall away from you. This will mean the sudden ending of relationships & work changes that may be shocking in their rapid and intense integration. The normal symptoms are "exhaustion, emotional stress, relationships ends, depression, sadness, chaos around you, emptiness, loneliness, tearful" - but at the end of this period the gifts are deep feelings of gratitude and peace as the crystal grids are activated.

Go easy on yourself - be aware not to be two critical of the self and others. Millions of Lightworkers are currently experiencing disturbances within their normal patterns of meditation, prayers, and routine - let this flow by "growing in the Flow" (Kuthumi) all is about to shift into a much Higher Frequency.

We are reminded that when we put enough thought into something we give it chance to manifest. If there are still things in your life that you fear - have a funeral for them. Don't allow any negativity of any kind within your space (mind). At this vastly important period of time, it is essential that all Lightworkers stand their ground.

As St Germain explains "Before the last cabal are removed they will try all kinds of tricks to avoid the inevitable, and fear is the weapon they use. Fortunately many people now see through the attempts to create fearful situations, and the Avian Flu is just one of their latest ploys.

Of course it is real and exists amongst birds, but it will not easily cross fromanimal to human. Most human flu epidemic results in some deaths, and that is inevitable. You should not however buy into the fear campaign which is being orchestrated for ulterior motives"

In times ahead with the new technology installed by our star families all healing will be done through colour and sound with no side-effects or contra-indications! Keep shining your Light,share your info (don't overwhelm though) and know that our work as the "Ascension Lightworker Team" is paving the way for the new children and earth's evolution.

Connect to the millions of hearts around the globe and communicate energy to and fro 'The Web of Love & Compassion' The New Moon ~ 2 November and Full Moon ~ 16 November. -- Archangel MichaEL explains:"never before has humanity, nor any race or civilization in this universe,moved forward so quickly and dramatically in the evolutionary process as you have in the last fifty years of your time. So is it any wonder that you are feeling dizzy, disoriented, confused, out of sync with the world around you,and oft times discouraged?

Our promise to you is that this too will pass as you become more comfortable with your new radiance and swiftly transforming reality. If you stay the course, you assuredly will step gracefully into the next level of awareness, and you will gradually perfect the skills, integrate the wisdom, and accomplish many miraculous things as you strive to overcome the challenges that are presented to you".

Between 5 - 16 November Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel will breathe raised 5th Dimensional Frequencies of The Flame of The Immaculate Concept - the "I AM" presence through a new Portal in Bali - connect, welcome and embrace this Madonna Blue energy with Its Crystalline White Aura.

Given to us by Chanel Lingenfelder :

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