Thursday, August 04, 2005

Pleiadian/Plejaren - Potato/Pottatto?

Listening: Jeff Rense on GCN Radio

Mood: Happy, but a little under the weather.
I'm detoxing.

There's a great deal of confusion surrounding the title we use regarding the P's. Some people like to say Pleiadian, some people say Plejaren (I use both, or just The P's), and between the two camps I've observed some outright hostility directed towards those who say "Pleiadian" from the people who like to say "Plejaren". Pur-leese.

If you'd like to know how it all started, have a read of the following, paying particular attention to the final few paragraphs. The last line is the best, "All of the people who claim to be in contact with Pleiadians should be ashamed of themselves." How harsh is that? Not very Pleiadian if you ask me, but here's the link anyway, with the very interesting title The Truth about the Pleiadians if you'd like to check it out. I believe that a lot of it is correct, but there's that stuff at the end that is, in my opinion, bull. Or, it's really badly distorted, or from some "P's" that aren't real P's.

It's from the Steelmark website, publishers of Billy Meier's much anticipated photo book, Through Space and Time, with crystal-clear shots of the Pleiadian ships that he claims have been flying over and and landing near his home in rural Swizerland for over forty years.

If you're not familar with Billy Meier's case, it's the most documented UFO case in history, and much of the information and many of the predictions that were given to him decades ago have been verified over the years.

All that said, I read the latest document at Michael Horn's They Fly called 249th Contact, and thought a lot of it sounded like disinformation. In the transmission, P'taah, a Plejaren with whom Billy is speaking, states that cattle and other animal mutilations are "due to birds of prey" (that can cauterise tissue and peck perfectly round holes, apparantly), and it definitely holds none of the usually high frequency consciousness that accompanies the Pleiadian material brought through by Marciniak, Clow, and other similarly clear channels. Nor do I get ANY of the usual personal triggers that alert me to pay attention to this. I have always believed the Billy Meier story but as he doesn't do interviews, we're left to rely on others to present the information. That can be a real problem, and there have certainly been some unscrupulous characters who've wanted to "take his story to the world".

*The Australian channel Jani King also works with P'taah. If you are unfamilar with him, P'taah is a Light Being who comes to us through the Pleiadian energy. With great love, wisdom and humor he talks about the changes coming forth for humanity and planet Earth. He tells us how humanity may choose to create these changes harmoniously, with love and outrageous creativity. The work she brings through is of a high conciousness and worth investigating if inclined.

THIS is a much more balanced explanation about the moniker, and not surprisingly, it's found on Joan Ocean's ET Friends site. Part of this information was channelled by Joan and others like Sheldon Nidle from the Planetary Activation Organization during the recent Dolphin/ET Civilizations Conference in Hawaii. There's some brilliant stuff there at Messages from the Source page, much of it focussing on the relationship between humans, cetaceans and creating the new Earth. If you love dolphins and whales you won't be able read this stuff and not cry. The message from the Whale Nation is really worth reading too.

The well-known seven-star system of the Pleiades is an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus - 420 light years distant from us - and is composed of relatively young stars, planets etc. The designation "seven-star system" is derived from the fact that at least seven sparkling stars can be seen with the naked eye on a clear and starry night in the northern winter sky. However, the planets of this system are in a developmental phase that is still totally unsuitable for human life forms at the present time. The home stars and planets of the Pleiadians, with whom Billy Meier maintains contacts, are located in the same region of the sky. However, they exist in another space-and-time configuration and are an additional 80 light years beyond the Pleiades.

One of the sun systems located there bears the name Tayget, the central star, which is orbited by ten planets; four of these are inhabited. Those human beings living there we call Pleiadians. Yet they call themselves Plejaren (pronounced pleh-yar-en) according to their system, which bears the name Plejaren.


  1. Anonymous3:34 am

    Hi Liz!
    GREAT page! I'm a 31 yr. old Yankee over here in the States, and am deep in the midst of having a major spiritual/Pleidaian awakening that all began last year when a shamanic healer completely turned my son's autism around. She later did a channeling session with me where I learned I was a "Pleiadian Soul" who had not had many earth lives as others have had. At the time I had never heard the word Pleiadian, but after doing some research I was shocked at how much like me the material out there sounded. This triggered massive change in me, and through deep personal meditation I've come to learn much about why I chose to come here now. I believe I'm also beginning to recieve channeled messages from fellow Pleidians. My body is constantly "Buzzing" as I feel my vibrations rising to new frequencies and I know nothing will ever be the same. It's beautiful!
    Anyway, I just wanted to say that I share your viewpoints. I also came across that rather harsh site with Billy Meier's "Pleidians" claiming that we should all be ashamed. What a bunch of bunk! I got such a "spidey-sense" warning while reading that site, as if I was being told it was not true. When I find stuff online that rings true, it's like a magnet I'm drawn to.
    So it was that I found your Blog!

    Much love, blessings and light,

  2. Anonymous5:08 pm

    i too read the 'you should be ashamed...' message and got such a bad vibe from it. especially since i have had some experiences, with witnesses!!! whoever is putting out such nonsense about exclusivity needs to get a grip. i also know that last message to be false because of another experience in 1998, so nothing ended in 1995.
