Tuesday, August 02, 2005

All My Friends Are Aliens

Well well well. After a series of fascinating and at times strange encounters with fellow starseeds, mainly Pleiadian (and two Sirians), over the last ten days, the penny finally dropped and I realised that it's all happened since getting the Nuclear Receptor.

I knew things were going to change in my life when I got it, but wow.

There's been a bit of Pleiadian-fest around these parts I tell you.

One of my girlfriends has just realized she's one. Dr Eric Pearl revealed that he was a Pleiadian at his seminar on Friday night (how brilliant).

Prince put some Pleiadian alphabet on his cover art, Neale Donald Walsch told me that HE was Pleiadian (wow), my friend Jan knew she was Pleiadian years before I had any idea what a Pleiadian was, Dr Fred Bell is a Pleiadian...one of the Sirians I mentioned earlier got in touch with me due to a series of synchronistic events that included some Pleiadian lightships that did a surprise fly-by, a prediction, and the Harmonic Concordance. How's that? It's all a bit much to take in sometimes.

Then I had an experience the other day through a dream of a parallel life I'm living in the Pleiades. It was incredibly real to me and I saw how the people there greeted one another. It's beautiful. You lean towards each other and touch your right temples together for a couple of seconds. Anyone else out there know this greeting?

Then I had another dream a few nights later about The Nine, of all things, and about how Gene Roddenberry called the new generation Star Trek series Deep Space Nine after
The Nine, who were a group of beings he communicated with and received many ideas from for Star Trek. I kept hearing this line repeat in my head "(the Nine)......who were from.. Deep Space." Nothing amazing there but it was weird all the same.

There's a whole lot more than what I've mentioned but that's enough to give you an idea about what's been going on in my head the last few days.

Then today I was thinking about all the good friends I've had over the years and how they were all just a bit, or quite a lot, different from "normal" people. I thought about it some more then said out loud, "Oh my God. ALL. MY. FRIENDS. ARE. ALIENS." (Well, most of them anyway.)

And they just don't know it.
t was like a veil had been lifted.

What are Starseeds

Starseeds are individuals who feel excitement and longing upon learning that they might have originated from another world. They experience the aloneness and separateness that is the human condition, but also have the sense of being foreigners on this planet. They find the behavior and motives of our society puzzling and illogical. Starseeds are often most reluctant to become involved in the institutions of society, e.g. political, economic, health care, etc. Even at an early age, they tend to discern the hidden agendas of such conventions with unusual clarity.

Definition: "Starseeds" describe evolved beings from another planet, star system or galaxy, whose specific missions are to assist Planet Earth and her peoples to bring in the Golden Age at the turn of the millennium. Starseeds incarnate into the same conditions of helplessness and total amnesia concerning their identity, origins and purpose as do Earth humans. However, the genes of starseeds are encoded with a "wake-up call" designed to "activate" them at a pre-determined moment in life. Awakening can be gentle and gradual, or quite dramatic and abrupt. In either event, memory is restored to varying degrees, allowing starseeds to consciously take up their missions. Their connections to the Higher Self are also strengthened, permitting them to be largely guided by their inner knowing.

Many starseeds are practiced in rapid "spiritual weight loss". Starseeds can throw off in a few years the limiting behavior patterns and fears that Earth humans might take many lifetimes to accomplish. This is because starseeds, having been on similar missions to other planets, are quite familiar with the procedures and techniques for raising consciousness. The concepts of star ships, intergalactic travel, varied psychicphenomena and sentient life forms in other galaxies, are, of course,natural and logical to them.

Do you think you are a Starseed?

Here are a few of the characteristics you may recognize. These are from Brad Steiger's book Star People.

Compelling eyes.
Lower than normal body temperature.
Was an unexpected child.
Chronic sinusitis.
Hypersensitivity to electricity or electro-magneticforce fields.
Experience buzzing or audio tone prior to a psychic-spiritual event or warning of danger.
Have "flying" dreams.
Children and animals are attracted to you.
Felt Earth mother/father not real parents.
Had unseen companions as a child.
Extremely empathetic.
One additional quality that many of us experience is the ability to be"invisible".
Starseeds usually learn of their identity through a series of spiritual experiences or synchronicity which activates their memory.

How did you score?


  1. Anonymous10:57 am

    Greetings from another alien residing here is San Francisco, CA! There are lots of aliens here in SF. I was at a workshop last weekend (Aug 11-14)on Hawaiian spirituality; the workshop facilitator says she heard Gene Roddenberry was a walk-in. My guess would be he's a Pleiadian "walk-in". In any case, I most of my close friends for the past several yrs have been aliens. I first figured out I was a Pleiadian when I house sat for a friend at read her copy of "Starseed Transmissions". I quizzed her about the book when she returned and she said; "who else would I trust to be in my house but from someone from home!". You could have knocked me over with a feather, LOL! I've been reading and checking out everything that "calls" to me every since. Thanks for the cool blog. Joanz

  2. You are SO welcome Joanz. It's really nice to meet you and to now know someone from the SF groundcrew. And kind regards from the Melburni(/ali)ens!

    Wow the mythology surrounding Gene Roddenberry just gets better. I hadn't even considered that he might've been a walk-in, but it's totally feasible, and it would explain why he was chanelling The Nine to begin with. I really hope that one day we get to find out the whole story.

    Funny you should mention Starseed Transmissions. I first heard about that book years and years ago because because a techno DJ I knew back then put out a record and named it after that book. I thought he was weird, and I really didn't know how to deal with the fact that he thought he'd been seeded here from the stars.

    And earlier than that when I did my yoga teacher training, I heard from some of the other students that one of the guys in our class was an alien and that he remembered what his home planet was like. After that I found myself wanting to secretly look at him in class(and he did have a very interesting look)but when it came to talking face to face I found it really confronting because I thought it was just too weird.

    Now, after my own memories have surfaced, I see that these people had helped to plant a "seed" (funny huh?)in my psyche that it is possible that people like that do exist, even if I would've laughed if someone had suggested at the time that I might be one myself. Now, I'm really grateful to have met those people, and I find myself thinking of them often.

    I still haven't read that book though. Perhaps you found my blog because I needed you to remind me that it could be time to pick it up. Thanks for all your kind words and support.

  3. Anonymous4:01 am

    Joshua again -
    I just left a comment on your newest blog, but have to respond to this one too. As I've begun awakening my Ka in the past year, I find myself feeling this nearly irresistable urge to embrace total strangers and lean in, touching my forehead to theirs and transmitting love in pure light form. It's this urge, this vision that I have over and over all the time. I'll be in the mall for instance, and see someone who resonates with me, and it's all I can not to walk up, place my hand behind their neck, and touch temples with them!
    I wasn't sure what it was, but now I know! So here is a BIG virtual Pleidian temple-touching hug to you!

    Love and light,
