Monday, August 08, 2005

Live Daily Meditations on WORLD PUJA!!!


World Puja have been actively participating in connecting the world through their live webcasts for peace since 1998. I can't thank them highly enough for the contribution they make in bringing more light into the world (and my life), and I was thrilled when I read the following announcement. They will be playing host to the 19th Annual World Congress on Illumination via the internet with free daily broadcasts and meditations. This is a real opportunity to participate and DO SOMETHING. If you've been feeling like you'd like to contribute a bit more, then here's something you can do from the privacy of your loungeroom, alone or in a group, is free of charge and will create positive results on a global level. Think NOOSPHERE, think Global Consciousness peepz! Let's do this.

A LIVE Internet Broadcast by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Hi Precious Hearts,

We are being blessed with an opportunity beyond our greatest expectations.
The Legions of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth who are selflessly serving Humanity at this time have said that if the Lightworkers around the world will join together in one-pointed consciousness with open hearts and minds during the holy days of August 13-18, 2005, a Critical Mass of Transfiguring Divine Love will be reached on Earth.

This miraculous event will raise the vibration of Humanity's Earthly bodies into a 5th-Dimensional frequency that will allow the I AM Presence of every man, woman and child to burst asunder the paralyzing grip of the human ego. In order to assist during this unfathomable opportunity of Divine Grace, WorldPuja has contacted us and volunteered to do daily LIVE Internet broadcasts of the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination, August 13-18, 2005.

The first broadcast on WorldPuja will be a live video of the Opening Ceremonies on Saturday, August 13th at 7:30 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time.

Each day following the first broadcast there will be an hour-long audio update describing the events that are taking place day by day with the assistance of the Company of Heaven. The Divine Intent of these events is to prepare Humanity for the ultimate success of bursting the bonds of the human ego. The daily interviews involving Patricia Cota-Robles and the various presenters at the World Congress On Illumination will be broadcast at 7:00 p.m. PDT, Sunday-Wednesday, August 14-17.

On Thursday, August 18th, the final facet of the Divine Plan will be Victoriously accomplished during the Closing Ceremonies of the World Congress On Illumination. This event will be broadcast on Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. PDT as a LIVE Internet video.

We are all One, and there is no separation. Throughout the entire World Congress On Illumination we will be focused in the Eternal Moment of Now. Consequently, once the live broadcasts are made the programs will be transferred to the archives section on the WorldPuja website. You will be able to go there anytime you like and replay the presentations.

Do not worry if you cannot tune in to the live broadcast as it is being presented. Whenever you are able to connect with us during the week through the WorldPuja website will be right and perfect.

In order for us to grasp the full magnitude of this opportunity, we need to understand that this means virtually everyone on the face of the Earth who has access to a computer and the Internet will be able to join hearts with the Lightworkers gathered at the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination in a new and profound way. People all over the world who are unable to attend the World Congress to serve as an instrument of God on behalf of ALL Humanity will now be able to freely participate in the wondrous activities of Light that will take place. These events will be cocreated through the unified efforts of Heaven and Earth that sacred and holy week, August 13-18, 2005.

Please help us, and fulfill your part of the Divine Plan by letting as many people as you can know about this Cosmic Opportunity. All of my life I have had a recurring vision and a deep inner knowing that there would be a moment in time when one global broadcast would be able to simultaneously awaken the Divinity within the Heart Flames of millions of people all over the world. I used to think the broadcast would be via television, but for some time now I have known it would be over the Internet. In my heart of hearts, I feel that this is the initial impulse of the mass global awakening I have always known would one day occur.

For more details about the 19th Annual World Congress On Illumination and how you can participate please go to our website

What is WorldPuja?

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