Thursday, August 18, 2005

Congress of Illumination 1st Message

Listening: 8/14/05 - broadcast at the Congress Of Illumination with Patty Cota-Robles

Mood: Elated and jubilant.

Today the Sirius Stargate closes for another year but in this "7" year, I feel that powerful, loving energies have been unleashed onto the planet through the collective efforts of many more than previously before, due to the call that went out last week. Humans everywhere are diligently holding their balance, and keeping their focus on love instead of fear. What a relief!

How have you been going with the Breath of Life? I've been teaching it to my yoga students this week and it's been so exciting to share it with them and to see their amazed reactions.

Personally, it's been quite a ride. The other day my vision changed!!! My physical vision, not my "clairvoyant" vision. I looked - with my physical eyes - into the fifth dimension, and it was beautiful!!

It was brief. Just a few seconds, but it happened at yoga on Tuesday night. I had just finished demonstrating a pose and my face was looking down towards the carpet. All of a sudden, the carpet, which had a blue checked pattern, looked different. The pattern stayed the same, it stayed in the same place in my vision, but it looked as though it was being projected onto a computer screen. Imagine seeing a picture of some carpet on your screen now. Yes, that's right. It was back-lit and crystal clear. Coooooooool!

It still took me by surprise though and I felt like one of those cartoon characters that have to shake their heads several times to see straight again, but after a couple of shakes(and trying to do it discreetly so my students wouldn't notice), my normal third-dimensional vision returned. It hasn't happened since, but what is happening a lot, and has been for a few months, is that I will sometimes see things through a haze, like you get up ahead on the road when it's really hot, and it will only be visible in certain parts of my view of the room or place I'm in. It's sort of like watching an unstable hologram that you couldn't see was a holgram until you saw the unstable bits.

I've just spent about 90 minutes transcribing the message that appears below because it is so important. Patty Rota-Cobles received this the day before the Congress was to begin. It's free to listen to at World Puja's site and having a listen to it is truly worth your time.

Please read it and distribute it widely. World Puja have now uploaded the first archive from the conference

Message from the Legions of Light through Patty Cota-Robles 13/8/05

Namaste, Beloved.

We honour you as creator gods in the midst of experiencing the end of the great fallen illusion and the return of the Light. You are looked upon and loved dearly as some of the most respected and courageous of all of God's creations throughout all of time.

We remind you that by choice, you descended to planet earth, the mainland of negation, to live and serve as heroes in a transition stage. Your redemption is close at hand though we tell you that even we are ill-equipped to honour you sufficiently for what you have agreed to do.

We know the courage it took for you to descend willingly, into the ties of separation, further compounded by grids of fear, forcefields of ego-control and enemy-patterning.

We know the pain you have endured as a result of diverted dreams and we know what each and every one of you has been subjected to by the unrelenting ego in the lower realms of consciousness.

We know the depth of love you hold for the Divine to agree to be bound for centuries by the effects of a fear-based mass consciousness and an in-rush of unhappiness caused by an intensification of the outplaying of the lower human nature.

You Beloveds are highly revered because you stood willingly in the line of descension and agreed to all to prove that in spite of living in reverse conditions of God-consciousness you are capable of bringing a planet to Light and a species to Light and emerge triumphant with your love and your light blazing, like the great Central Sun, and your Christ-mind in full control. You, the modern-day disciples of the holiest of holies, are almost complete. You are surrounded by vast Legions of Love and light from universes and omniverses beyond even your deepest remembering.

We ask that you do not stop despite the intensification of the mutations of your physical bodies, and despite your mind and ego's attempts to amplify their illusory validity. It is necessary that we bring a few critical points of light to you as you come closer to your victory.

The first is that we have watched many of you switch your fascination from the goings-on and promises of the third dimension to the goings on and promises of the fifth dimension.

Though what is ahead for you is of great importance, the actions that are required for you to take NOW are of greater importance in preparing to live less emcumbered in the new world.

Every shift in consciousness comes with its own set of challenges. Don't exchange one trap for another. Stay fascinated only to the divine creator gods that you are and nourish and sustain your Divine Natures and Light Bodies.

We also notice that your human nature is still grasping for solutions and we understand the problem. In the moment you have feet, minds and responsibilities in more than one dimension as emerging continues to take place.

Many of you are confused at to how to live your life in a new order outside of time, with a new focus on what is tuly important to your spirit, not your personality, mind and ego. Human negative emotions, primarily sadness and despair rise up in grasping, whether for hope, solutions or for illumination. Cease grasping and you will cease suffering.

By now you must know that solutions come from a source far above what the human mind can comprehend. Cease grasping. A wise soul of Divine nature is not thrown off balance because it cannot render solutions. A wise fifth-dimensional soul loves whatever is or appears to be from a state of assuredness that all is in Divine right order and must play this out as this game of separation comes to a close. Whatever is troubling you, let it run out of your mind. Soon Beloved, there will be nothing left but a quiet mind and a guided path, rest assured.

We also ask that you stop running hither and yon for Truth. Truth seeks out all evolving beings in all the universes, from Sun Gods to neophytes. It is the great "I AM" that holds the lamp of Truth forwards throughout your continuing ascension throughout the Ages.

Beloved you never have to seek Truth through another, for it will always be wherever you are and in every experience you have if you will turn a deaf ear to the mind and ego. Whatever your experience, solitary or otherwise, quiet yourself. Open yourself up to quiet observation. Breathe and expand the Divine spark of light within your heart and just ask this simple question:

Was that the truth that just visited me?

You will always be met with an answer and balance will be restored.

And lastly we address fear, the great master-mind of the human undoing. Fear, the mis-appropriation of thought to experience both past and present, and the ill-conceived notion of what will be.

'Stop NOW" is the hark from the Legions of Light that battle on your behalf for your illumination. We cannot pierce your illusions of fear as a transition of human consciousness into the fifth dimension draws near. This battle, Beloved, rests upon you and you are fully equipped to reshape the energetic plasmas of lowly thoughts.

Fear is not only a mis-apprehension of life and its purpose, but more than that it is wrong custom. Fear has become a ritual in the mind of humans in regard to what is next and what is ahead and it must cease or you will slip through the cracks between the world of illusion and the kingdom of heaven. Beloved, we ask that you stop pitting yourself against yourself. There is nothing wrong with you that a participatory shift in nature will not cure. Beloved, stop pitting yourself against yourself for you are stripping away your own dignity and the dignity of the great "I AM" that lives and breathes and has it's expression of life through you.

You and the great I AM are one.

I AM that I AM.

You are a sacred tone flowing throughout the universe. You are a dispensation of God's sacred rays. You are the Divine planned frequency manifesting its dominion on Earth. Let all other identities leave your mind. Rest in these truths. All is well.

Enter the fifth dimension with grace. We are waiting for you with deep gratitude.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles E-mail:


  1. Anonymous10:41 am

    Hi there. Don't know what to say really.

    I came across your site whilst searching for '2012' on other people's blogs to see what they had to say about it. I'm 21 and from the UK. I'm interested in Metaphysics relating to what you often blog about, although I don't know a great deal about it. I have read books by Bob Frissel and Drunvalo Melchizedek.

    I'm rather confused at the moment, I feel stuck between two minds (obviously logic and intuition). I also read a lot of books relating to psychology so some times I feel I can explain my thoughts of spirituality in a psychological sense and others I just 'feel' and accept it. This sort of debating in my mind causes me to never fully practice the Breath of Life though, which I'd certainly like to do.

    I've definetly been feeling more balanced the past week or so, so I just thought I'd leave a comment to say I enjoy reading your blog. It helps. Thanks.

  2. Anonymous7:03 pm

    hi Liz

    strength to strength - we love you!

    this year I have developed this same haze vision that you were talking about, particularly outdoors. At first i thought mt eyes needed testing (!) but I realise now I'm seeing visula representations of vibrations and it's a wonderful thing!

    Alex Maxwell

  3. I could KISS you both! You're the first people to comment about any of this stuff I've been writing about in a while. Sometimes it gets lonely out here on my limb. THANK YOU.

    Alex, how brilliant that we're both seeing the same thing. Toby has been seeing it too, so if there's anyone else out there who's been thinking they need to get their eyes checked - be cool, it's just the ascension process! Alex your visits here always make my day : )

    Anon., I think we are all stuck between logic and intuition to some degree. It doesn't help either when our whole society is structured to be counter-intuitive on purpose, and on so many levels! And what we call "logic" is often based on erroneous assumptions or flat out lies that we get at school, from our parents (whose parents probably taught them), through our media and through our religions. No wonder why the world is in such a state of confusion at present.

    Intuition and logic don't have be mutually exclusive to get the best information that you can either. I actually think they work best when used hand-in-hand, but I could get stuck here for hours talking about this. Trust is the key to following your intuition and the more you do, the more it will guide you. My life is a pretty good example of how this works, and that's why I write about it.

    I'm very pleased that you are finding it helpful and that you're feeling more balanced this week too. And I really hope that you put those psychology books down for a few minutes to do some deep breathing sometime soon. Remember that you can tailor the exercise to suit you, and even if you just do the breathing part, you're whole body will thank you.

  4. Anonymous10:19 pm

    hoi pleiadean princess!xx you bring priceless information 4 our dna 2 be activated further in the quest for a betta evoloution .I am soooooo grateful for your site 1 you are not alone .i get so excited everytime oi get on the computer to see wots goin on @ 'otherwhere' .hahah.well. you are brillant .and i love you from the inner of moi heart .thankyou fot switching me on accelerate.the nuclear receptor is amazing.i am so proud to have one also!thankyou so much again!xxooi REALLY real make it to yoga-rt real soon ,4give moi1xx your comrad miss B.L.lamarr .xxxxxxxxxxooooooo

  5. Darling Miss Lemo,

    The cockles of my heart thank you for the warm words of support, and all the love you send my way. Yes, get your act together and come to yoga-rt soon. Your energy would be so welcome in the class.

    It's so fabulous that you have your own nuclear receptor too. Just think, we might have the only two in Australia! I love that....I am still waiting for my head pyramid to arrive and I'm aching! Hope it gets here soon. You'll have to try it out - should look great on you! and
