Wednesday, August 24, 2005

A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey

milky way spitzer space scope image
View of the Milky Way from trillions of miles away.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (SSC)

Here's the most accurate picture to date of the Milky Way, based on data from Nasa's Spitzer Space Telescope, which has been collecting lots of new data through infra-red imaging (remember those new extra-solar planets discovered recently?) and now we have the Galaxy mapped out better than ever before. And isn't she beautiful?!

The galactic center (called "Hunab Ku" by the Maya) is also known as the Great Central Sun, the Source and the Center of a Galaxy and a Cosmos. It is the point of integration of the Spirit/Matter Cosmos, and the origin of all physical-spiritual creation. It is the nucleus, or white fire core, of the "Cosmic Egg". Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, is said to be the focus of the Great Central Sun in our sector of the Galaxy.

According to researchers like William Henry and many others, it is the place where our souls originate from, and where they'll return to when we leave the body, but you need to get past the idea of thinking in terms of just three dimensions. I believe we are always connected to it through our chakra system and that through it we receive electro-magnetic impulses from the galactic core that govern many processes in our bodies and our consciousnesses. It is also intrisically connected to "natural" time (seasons, lunar cycles etc) as opposed to "artificial" time(clocks, gregorian calendars etc).

And to go even further out on my limb(again), if there is any kind of link there, could the 'bar" you can see extending out from the core in the center of the Galaxy be the "tunnel" that near death experiencers see before they reach "the light" at the other end?

Astronomers like Nasa's Professor Ed Churchwell (interesting name) said the bar "might be a corridor" down which matter falls into the black hole also purported to be located in the center of the Galaxy.

Could the black hole itself be the portal for our souls to travel through between this and others Galaxies in between incarnations? And of course, one must consider that when we leave the body, we aren't the "same size" as we were when in the body. Perhaps we become sub-atomic in size as Ramtha suggests, and "the light" reported by those who've come back from death's door is actually the photonic light at the heart of all creation, the light of the Great Central Sun. It would certainly explain why people who've had NDE's say that even though the light was very bright it never hurt their "eyes".

Was that a lot to take in? I'm sorry if it was, but this is the sort of stuff I live for. My friend Lemonade Lammar said something to me recently that really struck home. We'd been talking about some of our beliefs and experiences with some of the subject matter I talk about here, and she said, "I know I'm not crazy talking about this stuff because I know it's real for me. But ultimately I don't care if this is "real" or not. I'd rather be living this version of reality any day." I wholeheartedly agree.

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