Monday, August 22, 2005

Are You Gonna Go My Way?

It's a lot of fun trawling through the referrals on my site meter to see how some of the people who visit my weblog get here. So much so that I've decided to start a new regular feature called:

Search Word Awards

These are the funniest searches I've come across that have led surfers here, and I have a feeling that I might have to start a sub-group in the awards category just for the searches that have " + cult" or "+ conspiracy" in them. You know, "Sharry Edwards + conspiracy" or my favourite, "James Twyman + cult" . James Twyman is a peace troubadour and does a lot of work with indigo kids, and Sharry Edwards is a healer and cutting edge researcher into the healing properties of sound. It's hilarious.

Site Meter have just added a new free function too, called "By World Map". It will show you where the last 1, 10 50 or100 hits on my site have come from geographically. It's so unreal because you can see your hit on the map. If you're curious, you can check it out here. Oh and by the way, North America I love you!

So here they are: the winners for August

1. "heart chakra symptoms + armpit odor opening" - what can I say? Priceless.

2. "clearing emotional crap once and for all" - a close contender for the top position.

3. "jesus is a mushroom" - brilliant. I love that my blog came up for that!

4. "dr fred bell" + crazy madman - this search happened the night Dr Bell was on Coast last week (to be expected I guess) and it made me laugh out loud. Hopefully I set them straight.

5. "throwing chickens" - yes another good one. I have Stuart Wilde to thank for this.

6. "noospheric house" - wow a new genre in house music I never knew existed - but should've invented, bugger.

7. "nicola tesla's mother filipino?" - I sincerely doubt it, but who could possibly want to know? Is there a Filipino branch of the Tesla fanclub? Are plans afoot to claim him as their own? I need to know.

8. "john titor's real identity" - this is one of the most pointless searches you could do on this guy.

9. "underwater glamour" - wha?

10. "drunvalo orgasm" - can somebody explain what the hell this means???


  1. Anonymous3:01 am

    hello miss pleidean princess!!! wow ...... huh??????? wot the ??????? does that mean if i type in ur name and P.princes otherware' will come up ???????.Dr Fred BELL is far from a madman as one can get?,as you know!!!!!that must of took ur breath away!!!!!! unfortunatly as we know 'how the truth is so easily tarnished as rot!as in .....9-11, war on terror , global corparitization,illumanti free for all, enslavement to false reailty are just a few that spring to beautiful is life and are we to all have a remarakable brain that can think and a body and will that can act! how lucky ,cool and blessed are we all! :)love ur gutz mizz lizzz!xxxxxxo leMo xxxxxxoo

  2. Anonymous10:23 am

    You are a hoot and a half LOL!
    I've had a change to read some of your "back blogs"; I love your sense of humour. I've bookmarked you, and will be checking in regularly. Keep spinning Miz Liz
