Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Key is Gratitude


Listening: Coast to Coast archives wih the late Terence McKenna. Author, ethnobotanist, and explorer of psychoactive substances. In this show he discusses his theory of the end of time, "Timewave Zero."

Feeling: Soaring

Yum. I just got home from seeing the first two Keys to the Arcturians activations at the fabulously decorated Forum Theatre in Melbourne.

I pretty much floated home with a big smile on my face and when I got in the door(actually climbed in through the window as I couldn't locate my keys before I left home - funny that...keys and Keys). I did my usual stuff - checked my email, fed the cats, watered the garden and then came back in, put my new favourite song on, "What it Feels Like" by Quentin Harris and Joi Cardwell and before I knew it I was dancing.

After a few minutes I realised what I was doing and just laughed, thinking, "Ah, so this is how I'm integrating the work," thanking the Arcturians for the activations, and sending a huge beam of love to Janosh and Camille for bringing the show here.

I might write about the show itself after tomorrow when I see part 3, the final activation. Suffice to say, if you read my post on Sekhmet that I wrote in Novemeber, I had a very similar experience during the activations. Get yourself there - only on for the next 2 mights in Melb.

It felt good to dance so I played the song again and kept going, this time singing along at the top of my voice, smiling at myself in the mirror.

I sent out a huge wave of gratitude to my friends at
King Street Sounds, who have been so wonderful to me and to the radio show by becoming sponsors and giving me all this hot, pre-release music. And their website is AMAZING. You gotta check it out. The single doesn't come out til April 24 but I played it for the first time on my show last weekend in FULL, a bit of an exclusive, and it doesn't stop there. It's almost like King St have become the new cool home for underground starseed music. I'm not kidding. They're even talking about a bew sub-gebre of house called "space house". I shouldn't be surprised, but I am! All of a sudden the lyrics on all the King St stuff is about oneness, light, believing, space. And now they're my show sponsors. I can't help but feel like this has all been planned and me, like Pooh bear, just finding myself at the right place at the right time to tuck into a jar of honey. Except it's space honey. My favourite.

I've got an interview lined up with New York vocalist Joi Cardwell next week too, so I'll get the chance to ask her all about what she thinks of Starseeds and Ascension, which will be a pretty different interview for her compared to the usual Dj Mag pieces eh? Great!

I've been so amazed and feeling so blessed at how things have opened up for me since beginning the work on the show. In such a short time, I've been able to realize so many of my dreams, and I've met so many incredible people, and even interviewed some heroes of mine. Lately my mantra has been "I am so blessed". It's not an affirmation that I'm saying wishing to make that a reality. It is my reality. As a result I feel as though I'm living every day in a nearly-constant state of gratitude.

I could go on for quite some time about all the things I am grateful for right now but I am not about to have another 5 am bedtime. There's so much living and Light-playing to do! And dreaming!!

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