Sunday, May 22, 2005

"We Are the Dolphins"

Listening: Greg Bishop on

Feeling: A bit Dolphin, actually.

My deepest thanks to everybody who participated in the 11:11 meditation with me today. I could feel you out there, and I hope that your experience was as delightful as mine.

I ended up having such a lovely time the first time that later today when I was doing my Healing Codes, Dizzy was nearby so I did it again so he could get a healing too. The HC's are fantastic on pets and babies by the way. I sent the green and ruby rays outlined in the meditation through his body and when I asked him if he could feel it, he closed his eyes, buried his head near my armpit on my heart side, and just stayed there blissfully, not moving, which I think was a yes. Here he is hanging out in one of his numerous nests dotted around the garden (that he likes building every Autumn), bless him. Check out the depth of it!

Dizzy in the autumn leaves

I remember waking up from a sort of half-sleep about an hour before the meditation was to begin and managed to retain a few of the quickly-evaporating dream fragments I could transfer to my waking mind before they all became mist, and tried desperately to find more after I realized I'd just been having a dream where I was talking to someone about dolphins.

I was being interviewed while we were sitting in a boat on the ocean, and as we talked I put a series of items into a bag that I had with me. The only detail I can remember about it is that I put a bunch of bananas in it and said, "That's for the Mayans," (if there are any dream experts out there I suspect that that is quite a funny example of dream symbolism), as if I were cataloguing some of their/my history. This was accompanied in the dream by a sense of importance to what I was doing. I was asked another question. The next thing I knew I was on the bottom of the seabed, and a dolphin was swimming towards me, while another one swam around my feet. I could still hear the person I was with asking me questions. There was something like, "Do you have any dolphins?", to which my response was a very quick,"Oh yes, I have a pod of 18-20 dolphins". I meant it like they were a pod of dolphins I knew or communicated with. Interesting. Then I took in a deep breath, which seemed quite normal even though I was underwater, and woke up.

I could be forgiven for manufacturing dolphin dreams more than usual lately as ever since I found
Joan Ocean's site, learned about her work and listened to all her interviews on Dolphinville Radio at least twice, I've noticed dolphins have been showing up in my life all the time lately, in sometimes really funny ways.

When I saw Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a few weeks back I was so thrilled with the way they treated the opening sequence with the Dolphins. It was superb, and I know Douglas Adams is totally down with dolphin intelligence, so it was really validating to see that up on the big screen. And all that stuff about them being smarter than us is very true. Next to the Whales, who have the biggest brains of any animal on the planet, they have abilities we can only dream of. I grew up adoring the Hitchhiker's book, the BBC radio and TV series, so it was a great moment in my cinema-going history. "So long and thanks for all the fish", is also something I've said at many partings, whether the person I was addressing knew the reference or not. Just for a laugh.

The dolphin thing was further reinforced during my childhood with Flipper, of course, and now as an adult, I find it even more baffling that Cetaceans haven't as yet been recognized by humanity as another group of sentient beings on this planet.

A couple of the most amazing things about their physiology is that they have what appears to be a human skeleton that has been adapted for the water, like their hand and feet bones in their fins, which shows how closely related we are to them. Their teeth are incredible too. Check out this fantastic animation that shows how their teeth grow according to 13 moon/28 day calendar!

Did you hear about last year's amazing court case "Cetaceans vs. Bush"? This was so awesome, and it's for real! Unfortunately it got thrown out of court, but just the fact that people are really trying to stand up for this community who is suffering terribly, is wonderful to see. At least it highlights the problem so more people will become aware of some of the ear-shattering sonar testing being carried out by the Naval communities that is literally exploding the eardrums of dolphins and whales inside their heads. Sounds horrible doesn't it? Imagine living with that every day. You could forgive them for having thought just like this. Not that they do.

As the upcoming ET/Dolphin Civilization conference in Hawaii draws nearer, I find myself thinking about it more and more, wishing there were a way I could go. It's funny, when I first wrote about it here I got on the phone and made some calls, got myself some extra work to hopefully get enough together to be able to attend, but now I've got the work I can't leave! I'm really not that bothered as there'll be another one next year, and Joan has got all kinds of seminars and tours with the dolphins happening all the time, so when I get to go to Hawaii I'm sure it'll be just the right time.

The other thing that's been happening is that I think I can feel some kind of communication between myself and them brewing. The other day when I was doing a Healing Codes treatment, I swear the words, "We are the Dolphins. We come in love and peace," popped into my mind! I was like,"Huh? Where the hell did that come from?" Initially I put it to a bit of Dolphin overload or something but now that I've had that dream...

Some other strange things have been happening too. I've noticed that for the last couple of days, whenever I've done a treatment, I'll notice a sort of change in the air around me. It's as though the density of the air has changed - words are difficult to find - the air seems silkier and a bit water-like! And today I got a strange kind of low pulsing in my head for a couple of minutes (only on the right side), which I've never experienced before, but I think it's all connected in some strange way. Who knows? I must say it's all quite intriguing though. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.

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