Thursday, May 19, 2005

Hey Liz, I Heard You Were In a Cult!

Listening: "Alchemical Healing" author Nicki Scully on The X-Zone Radio Show archives.

Mood: Ready for bed but wanting to write...into the BOLDness we go.

A few months ago I was innocently minding my own business near the bar at Wonderland where I DJ on Fridays and a disco acquaintance of mine said that she's seen me zooming around the streets of Melbourne on my bike a lot lately. I don't have a car, so it's my only form of transport, but I really love using it to zip around my 'hood. Then she blurted out, "I heard you were in a cult!" at which point I burst out laughing, wondering what kind of cult asks its members to subscribe to a life of cycling. I said, "Yep. I'm in a cult", pretty dryly as I choked a bit on my vodka.Then I walked off giggling not knowing whether I'd really convinced her of my innocence or not.

I told Toby at home later, much to his amusement and he said, "yeah, let's call ourselves the Cunt-arians." Well we both fell on the floor in fits and now my friend Gina has even contributed a fitting slogan - we only eat pussy!
Who wants to sign up?

Anyway, at the risk of sounding like I am in a cult, I'm going to go ahead and publish this post.

On Sunday I had a catharsis. I went to an all-day Dru Yoga workshop with Anita who runs the yoga school where I teach, and even though I was a bit miffed at times with the teaching style and beginners level exercises we were doing, I still had a fantastic time. I hadn't done a full day of yoga for awhile and I could feel my body thanking me as we worked through the postures.

It was interesting to observe my reactions throughout the day. I wondered why I was letting myself get annoyed by certain things but put it down to a slight touch of ego, as I think that the way I was taught to teach yoga is the best method of course, and tried to let it go. I did ok until they spent the last ten minutes of the workshop itemising all the things they were selling though, which always gets me, but it was ok because the day was over.

When I got home I sat down at my computer to check my mail and found a post with a
channeled message from the ascended master Kuthumi, from a reliable channel, Michelle Eloff. I began to read. I was on guard I guess you could say, for any signs that it was really just some nasty low-level disinformation, as there is a quite a bit of it out there, and if you are naive, you can get quite sucked in to all kinds of ludicrous ideas.

Even now, as I am just about to describe what happened to me, there's still a microscopic part of me that thinks, "Oh this is just a load of bullshit", but I know that's just my ego getting in the way again, trying to keep the status quo. Really, there's a much larger part of me that is screaming,
"What I experienced was real and valuable, so fuck it."

At the beginning of the post was a note from the person who sent it in, stating that even though the information came through in March (on the Equinox), "you will still be affected by the energy integration and will experience a similar experience to the actual participants by reading it."

I kept an open mind on that tip and tried to read the post with my feelings, to try to tune in to the frequency behind the words I was reading. It's such a good thing to do because you bypass the left brain and go straight to the frequencies that are being generated inside you. If you trust yourself enough there is no better way to navigate safely around the world, no matter where you are, as your instincts are never wrong.

The further into it I went, the more I began to resonate with what was being said. I tried to pick holes in it, tried to see whether the intent was Dark masquerading as Light, tried to detect any seeds of doubt in my mind, but could find none. Then I got to a passage about a third of the way down that really got me.

"Lady Kwan Yin also represents the feminine energy of your sacral chakra, and your water element. She holds the feminine Goddess expressive force of creativity, and stands alongside another very powerful being of light, known as the Lord of Manifestation, Lord Hilarion. He too comes forward to hold you during this time. He brings with him the Ruby ray of light, to bring healing to your base chakra, and to open every necessary portal within your base chakra, so that you may come to experience full healing, total release, and the complete integration of your fifth dimensional body. He brings with him the consciousness of energy that shall bring you into the point of power required to hold you within the pillars of light which create the new templates for your world; the four pillars of Victory consciousness, Prosperity consciousness, Trust consciousness and Unconditional Love consciousness."

Now of course I had read a lot before I got to this passage, so I had been building up to it, but it was at this point I spontaneously burst into tears. Why was I crying? Because it was just what I wanted to hear. Of course I want to live in a world based on those concepts, but as soon as I realized that that was what I wanted to hear my logical mind sprang into action saying, "Don't believe it, don't believe a word of it". Naturally I was torn but continued to read and it just got worse and worse. The tears would NOT stop. The part of me that was observing myself lose it like this was very calm, but a touch puzzled. "What was happening to me? Why was I having this extreme reaction to a simple channelled message? Why was I fighting the feelings I was having? Why couldn't I trust this as much as I wanted to?" These questions floated like lone icebergs amongst the tumult of raging emotions I was trying to understand.

Anyway, I got to some instructions for a meditation that was outlined in the message, and as I always look for "new Information" in these types of communications I was thrilled at the level of consciousness that had devised it. It was simply beautiful. It involved activating certain chakra centres in the body with the assistance of the ascended masters, while incorporating certain crystal energies or "rays". It was probably the information about the crystals that finally convinced me to go with what I was reading. There's also some incredible information in the message about gold in particular, and that was the clincher. I have been using crystals long enough to know that the crystals used in the meditation were absolutely the right ones, and as there is so much useless, out-dated information about crystals out there, it was very reassuring, and it supported the rest of the message perfectly.

The Christ Maitreya, has come for the purpose of reminding you of your divine right to be on earth; to remind you of your divine right to feel. These gifts have always been a part of you; they have always been yours.

Today we facilitate the process of assisting each one of you to truly ground your divine right to be on earth, your divine right to feel, and your divine right to be acknowledged as a soul being expressed through a human form.

As someone who had been closely examining her feelings all throughout that day, as well as for the last week due to all the Healing Codes treatments, this passage was particularly pertinent for me. As a starseed I often feel very disconnected from my body and the Earth, so that day of yoga had really done wonders for me in terms of feeling more comfortable in my skin again. It was fantastic to reconnect in that way, and it helped me see very clearly just how important it is to do as much body work as possible when you're going through emotional clearing and healing. You can't forget the body! It is so obvious. I know that's it's possible to heal without the physical work but it usually takes much, much longer (and you don't get quite so fit :)

After reading that passage I wholly gave in to all the emotions I was feeling and the floodgates burst. I don't know where that stuff came from, but man it was deep. I felt loving presences rush to be around me. It felt as though gentle hands were resting on my shoulders, which really helped alleviate the feeling of being quite alone, and far from home. It was so difficult to come to terms with how I was behaving at first and in between back-shaking sobs my higher self would go, "wow that's pretty full-on" in a quietly amused kind of way, and then I'd go back to trying to read the rest of the post from behind tear-soaked lashes.

After about 15 minutes of this and a few crazy things I said out loud that I would rather not repeat here, I calmed down and reviewed what had just happened. I was still reeling a little from the shock of it all but started putting two and two together. I knew that the yoga had done it. All those "dumb" beginners moves had actually helped clear what felt like about a decade's worth of crap all at once. The Healing Codes had started it off, the yoga workshop came at the perfect time for me to get to activate all my chakras and get them spinning properly again, and the frequencies that I tuned into through the channelled message turbo-accelerated the clearing. All of a sudden it all made sense. How could I have ever doubted that I would bring the right things into my life at the right time just as I had done? I had been experiencing synchronicities at every level as soon as I started the Healing Codes again, so why did I have to go through such a dramatic process when I came across this material? For all my talk of reality being frequency-specific to us, I had had to have a cathartic experience like that to really trust the truth of that statement, and myself.

As soon as the thoughts above unfurled in my mind I took a sharp right and began to laugh. I laughed so hard. I couldn't stop laughing in fact and for a brief moment worried that I may actually be on the verge of madness. But no, I had just gone through an ascension experience! I started to cry again, but this time it was from laughing, then I remembered this really funny story that Joan Ocean told in an interview once about a wonderful man she knows. He has this thing with saying "thank you" out loud when things happen to him, good or bad. She said,"He'll even say thank you when he hits his hand with a hammer (laughs), just because he's so grateful to be able to feel", and in that moment I took a leaf out of this mystery man's book and said out loud to the space, and with a huge smile on my face, "Thank you!"

Since then I've really noticed how many areas in my life are improving. Last night's class was fantastic. Having all the new students arrive was a fabulous injection of fresh energy in the class. There are even more coming next week. The theme I chose for the class was "compassion for self", understandably. I know that I'm beginning to broadcast a different message energetically, and how magical it is to see how it's being reflected back to me!

Please join me in meditation too. I would like to invite anyone out there who may be interested to go to Master Kuthumi's channeled message and have a read. I've posted it in five parts on my messageboard as I unfortunately can't find the message on Michelle's site. If you would like me to forward you the text via email, please send a note to:

If this material resonates with you please link up with me in meditation on Sunday May 22nd; Blue Cosmic Storm, Spectral Moon, for 30 minutes at 11:11 am Melbourne time (6:11 pm in LA, 9:11pm in NY on Saturday 21st, 1:11 GMT on the 22nd). It really is a very special meditation, so if you'd like to work with me at a reasonably advanced level, I would really love to have you join me when I do the complete meditation for the first time.

If you would like to visit Michelle Eloff's site, there's a virtual cornucopia of similar material over there to investigate. Happy trails.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:50 pm

    you gave me a laugh out loud today liz, with your teetering on the brink of madness...... i can relate to that :)
