Wednesday, April 06, 2005

I Love You But You Shit Me

Listening To: Joshua/DJ IZ Mix (San Fransisco) on undergroundhouse.
Mood: Restless

Ok so before we begin I've been kinda shitty this last week hence the silence.

Like a pendulum swinging, as I adjust to the physical changes that go along with
integrating the new frequencies that we can access presently, I'm in the process of having to adjust my mind and emotions to cope with the every day crap that we all have to endure in order to play the game.

Sometimes I am swinging in a peacful, calm, content direction, and nothing can interfere with my Zen-like flow, then Kaboom! someone will come along and wreck it, and I'll go swinging off in the opposite direction for a short period of time. I have enough life experience behind me to see that I no longer swing as violently as I used to and thankfully I've also got all the tools I need at my fingertips to keep slowing it down so I can finally maintain a state of equilibrium. I just need to put this stuff into practice more. A taxi driver gave me some good advice last week. He said, "Do a little bit, often. So that it's like breathing." Sage advice, but I'm still workin' on it.

The event that catapulted me into the strange murky abyss last week was hearing the announcement that Terri Schiavo was dead, only minutes after it occurred. I was listening to The Power Hour live over the internet and Joyce came on the air and announced it, and my heart broke - mainly for the family, who were banned from her bedside by Michael Schiavo. Why be so cruel?

It disturbed me greatly.

Then I got mad at how this could be going on, right under our noses. The woman wasn't a vegetable, and I dreaded to think of what was going on at the Michael Schiavo camp at that moment. For historical value, I'm posting an affivadivit on the messageboard written by one of Terri's nurses that decribes how Michael would arrive at the hospital and say things like, "Is that bitch dead yet?". Normally I wouldn't post this sort of depressing stuff, but for me this event signifies a marker and turning point in our history as humans. The whole world watched a State-sanctioned murder happen before their eyes and did very little to stop it. It has not only set a precendent, but the powers that be have now determined just how much they can get away with.

So there's the rub - it's bloody humans. Humans being inhuman. Humans who are so de-humanized that this one woman's death doesn't even register. I love you but you really, really shit me. There's so much distraction, and people are happily BEING distracted. Tell-a-vision - that's for sure.

While the news was being filled with Michael Jackson's court case, the Terri Schiavo killing, and the Pope dying, what is really happeneing that we are we NOT being shown? High government officials are allegedly being "disappeared" from the Pentagon, top level microbiologists are being routinely murdered, the micro-chipping of the population draws even closer as a law in the States is just about to be passed for RFID chips to be standard in all driver's licences; developments in nano-technology and genetic engineering are leaping ahead by the hour, without much forethought of the potential harm we're opening ourselves up wide to, and it goes on and on.

Even though I normally have a lot of faith in people, last week was a tough one, and I started to believe what so many others are saying, that there's no hope for us. I'm pretty good at maintaining my faith in humanity 95% of the time, but last week was one of those weeks when I really thought that there wasn't enough chlorine in the gene pool.

So I guess you could say that I was taking on a bit of "environmental" stuff, you know, when the weight of the world seems to be resting on your shoulders. Then all the other life-sucking stuff about rapid climate change, wars, criminals in government, disinformation, the pharamaceutical industry and the drugging of our youth, impending plagues, earth changes - it all came crashing down on me.

When you spend as much time trying to find out what is really going on in the world as I do, an occassional melt-down can occur. If you're a normal, feeling human, you can't help but be affected at what people are not being told at times. And if you're actively working towards fine-tuning yourself with yoga and other such practices, you find that you become a lot more sensitive and sometimes unstable if you don't take care.

Furthermore, earlier in the week I'd had to deal with a bitchy nightclub accountant from who was so harsh I ended up in tears, and I what made it worse was that I thought I'd set up my life to not have those situations happen anymore. It was a rude shock, to have someone project so much negativity at me unprovoked, but I knew that the reason these things were happening was because I wasn't being consistent with my own work. I'd been a bit slack with walking my own talk and this was what was coming back. You do create what you believe.

When I meditate or do healing work or yoga, it really helps to generate that higher and I've gotta say, kinder frequency of reality. The encounter with the accountant wouldn't have phazed me if my internal levels of peace had been stronger. And I would've been able to retain my compassion for Terri Schiavo and her family without having to feel like I had to take on all the sadness of the world. These reactions show me where I'm at, and although irritating, it's always good to be able to read the signs and do something to change it. It proves to me that I am totally in control of what I experience, but that I need to be working at it consistently if I want an experience of life that is good. When life is structured to disempower us without us noticing, it takes a certain amount of discipline to stick to a plan for positive living. When the world seems to be in chaos it can be so easy to let it drag you down, so I think it helps to be reminded that we can choose!

We can choose how to react. Even when one is confronted with a situation that seems unbearable, we still have the option to react positively or negatively. We are always free in our minds if we choose to be.

The imagination is the most powerful force available to humankind.
Before anything can be brought into "reality", it must first be imagined.
Working with creative visualization is a very powerful technique, and really, if you're not using it, you're being left behind.

There's a hypnotist and author, Dr Bruce Goldberg, who has writtten a book I've always wanted to get. It's called "Custom Design Your Own Destiny" and when I heard him speaking about it once on the radio I realized he'd really struck on something, corny as the title sounds. I tried ordering it once but it never arrived, but I got enough from the interview to know how one could choose which frequency of reality to experience, in fact it was something I took with me when I journeyed to see the eclipse, and the conscious choice I made to live as a more expanded version of myself paid off enormously. But even when you think you've got it, it's putting it into practice that is the real test. It's all about living it. It's the only way any teaching can have enduring meaning in your life.

He would actually give his patients 5 different scenarios or "frequencies" to choose from, and then in hypnosis, would strengthen that thoughtform.
Being as specific as possible about what it is you would like to manifest is paramount.

"By having my patients perceive their future options or frequencies, they are empowered to be in control of their own destiny by selecting and being programmed to their ideal frequency."
Dr. Bruce Goldberg

I'm glad to say that today is a new day and I continue to have faith and hope for the transformation of our species, as well as for myself. I've spoken a lot in this post about the sad end of the news, but it's important to point out that I'm driven to do my research into hidden knowledge because of the good stuff that's going on. And there's so much! Most people don't get to hear about it, but it's truly amazing information.

For instance, Dr Michio Kaku, who is like the Einstein of our time, was interviewed on Coast to Coast in January. He said that we might be interested to know that millions of dollars of US taxpayer's money was being spent money in an effort that is currently underway by astronomers and astrophysicists to detect other dimensions. They are studying the dark matter which makes up 90% of the matter in our universe. String theorists believe that it could be a "shadow" universe, perhaps only a millimetre away from ours. he said that our whole galaxy is actually being held together by a sphere of this dark matter, and they know its there because they can detect gravity passing through it, but when they try to photograph it with Hubble, it's invisible! He suggests that it is invisible to us because it exists at, get this, a higher frequency than ours. Hello.

Also it was discovered a few years ago that our DNA is actually coded, and these codes are layered, one on top of the other. To cut a long story short, the codes spell out words, and the first layer (which has been likened to the introduction of a book), says "God eternal within the body". Gregg Braden wrote a fascinating book, "The God Code" all about it last year. Anyway, that's typical of what we're not being told. I'll pass on as much as I can, so check the messageboard for that.

The following also helped a lot. It arrived in my mailbox the day after Terri Schiavo died. It helped me understand that I'm in a process...still the pendulum swinging, and that it's a necessary part of evolving. I prefer to use the words "Activating otherware" instead of "ascension", but the message is great either way. Hope it helps someone else out there too.

Ascension is a step-by-step, level-by-level process. We ascend by clearing our emotional blockages one layer at a time. As each layer is cleared, we attain a new level of consciousness and understanding. We become compassionate with ourselves, and others in the area we just cleared. And though at times we feel that we have gone backwards because the same issue has once again presented itself, we have in fact just brought forward another layer to be cleared.

Each time we clear another layer and achieve compassion with the issue and people at hand, we change our DNA just a little more. Since our bodies are changing from a carbon based form to a crystalline based form, that means we emit a little more light. Our cells consist of a little more light and less dense matter than before. It is anticipated that by the time we reach 2012, having gone through many years of emotional clearing, our bodies will be ready to move into a new frequency because they will resonate at that frequency. When enough people do this together it creates a new mass consciousness and reality.

From Lightworker Way


  1. Anonymous1:52 am

    Liz, so good to hear about the struggles with faith and practice, we all have them and its nice to hear someone talk about them. You are doing an AMAZING job leading the way in my own awareness expansion. thank you - Al

    p.s. keep being prolific, its amazing how much you are sharing

  2. Hi there Al,

    I love the way life works. A moment before I sat down to my desk, and saw your post come in my mailbox, I had been reading something in "Earth"! by Barbara Marciniak (one of my favourite books), and the P's were saying, "Your dedication to reevaluating, reconsidering, and reorganising your basic assumptions about life, has expanded the expressions of civilization itself. You humans have no other choice than to reach out to the new territory that you lay forward as both charted and uncharted discoveries."

    Then I got up, and voila there you were! This always happens with stuff I get from them. I'll read something then life comfirms it to me, again and again. And it's true, through this amazing medium of self-publishing on the net, we have connected in a way that probably never would've happened otherwise. I love you.

    I'm touched by your encouragement, and glad when any of my experiences can help someone else feel better about their own struggles, and not as alone. We've got to remember that WE are the the ones we've been waiting for!
