Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Ay Carumba!

above and below

Listening: Stevie Wonder - So What's the Fuss Remix with Q-Tip HOT!!!!
Robert Bruce - Expert on astral travel. On Coast to Coast AM Streamlink

Mood: Elated

I love how life works.

Synchronicity is a truly miraculous thing. It adds an element of mystery and a sense of the divine to one's life, and I know that whenever synchronicities begin to appear in my life as a matter of course (which they do in recurring intervals), I take it as a sign to continue what I'm doing, and relax into the knowing that I'm on the right path.

Tuesday night for the last two weeks has been astral traveling night, and although I was not planning to go back to the astral traveling course I started, I was a bit sad about the fact that I would no longer have that regular class structure to learn in, as I enjoy the group energy for study. It took a bit of courage to quit the class, as I don't like doing that, but decided I had to, and said so in a post last week, stating "I'm too advanced for this." I was also very specific about the kind of tuition I would like to receive instead, which is of a higher nature and more frequency-specific to me.

Well, as "luck" would have it, it was a really good thing I decided to quit that class, as late last week I received an email from the local offices of Hopscotch Films, alerting me to a special screening of What the Bleep!? With a rare appearance and Q&A sesh with director Mark Vicente - at the Kino Cinema - on Tuesday night. So there was no way I would have been going to class, but now I could go to the cinema completely guilt-free, and not feel as though I might be missing out on anything. And that's where I've been this evening, seeing What the Bleep for the third time, and loving it!

Now that I'm back home, after an excellent day and night chock full of synchronicities, I check the Coast to Coast website and wouldn't you know. Tonight's guest was Robert Bruce, an expert on astral travel....so I get to have my class after all, and it's still on Tuesday night. He's been talking about some amazing new techniques I'll definitely try out, as well as deailing some of his adventures in the astral realms. It kicks ass over the other stuff I was learning. And the fact that it just so happened to be Robert Bruce, who's Australian, being interviewed on an American radio network that I listen to, added that wicked touch of cosmic humour that the universe likes to throw at you sometimes for good measure. I guess that's what you call getting your cake and eating it, while trying not to gag from giggling too much.

I think it can be immensely helpful to be clear about your intent when you choose what kind of experiences you would like to have, because then you create an energetic blueprint in a way for your life to "grow" into. All potential outcomes are possible in the quantum field, so don't you think it's wiser to choose beforehand which outcome you would like to align yourself to? It's like what top golfers or basketball players do when they line up their shots beforehand in their minds, but we can do it every day with our lives. We begin by saying, "I choose ...." And whether that's something that will evolve you or not is completely your choice. But whatever you hold most clearly is what you will create.

There's a beautiful segment of the film when Dr Joe dispense says that when he "creates his day" every morning, and spends some time visualizing the actual experiences that he would like to bring into his life that day, he has a little trick. He says (and I'm para-phrasing), "When I can see things happening in my life that I have set out to create, that happen in such surprising, unexpected ways, I know I am experiencing the effects of that process." Then he suggests actually asking for signs like that by saying "If there is a higher part of me that is the Observer, then give me an experience today that shows me you have heard this, and make it so surprising, that I know it has come from you."

Although it doesn't happen 100% of the time, if you stay open to the possibility, experiences that you consciously try to create do usually come about, and usually in surprising ways or unexpected ways. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but usually perfectly reflecting our inner state of being at that time.

The best thing about tonight besides getting to chat with Mark Vicente, was seeing who responded to an email I had sent out telling my list about the event. It's always a pleasant surprise to see who picks up on what I send out, and I got to catch up with quite a few friends in the foyer before and after the movie which was great. Some I knew were already open to the information, others who came were a complete surprise.

Now, I need to tell you about that hottie called
Mark Vicente. This guy was so likeable, so funny, so open and at times, so deep and considered, I was immensely glad I was able to go. He resembles a youthful Steven Spielberg, and even though he only said a few words before the film, it was obvious that he had a way with them, and I saw how his sense of humour was left like his fingerprint all over the movie. From the crowd reaction, besides the two or three people that left halfway through, it went down extremely well, and the Q & A session at the end was pretty lively. Many people expressed their thanks for making the film, and I asked about the impact the movie was making in people's lives overseas, where it has been out now for around a year. When I asked him to tell us about some of the responses he'd received about how it had changed people's lives already, I didn't think he'd say what he did.

He said that about eight people so far have emailed them to say that after seeing the movie they decided not to commit suicide. Wow. He also said how humbling that was and it was obvious he was being completely genuine. I think life is definitely worth living. Amidst the chaos, there are new voices, new points of view, suppressed truths, hidden wisdom and archaeology and more are all coming to light. I believe we live in some of the most exciting times to be alive, and I don't know about you, but I know I chose to be here to see what we do at the end of this Age. If movies like this are any indication, then I think I there might be hope for us yet.

category: Blog, Movies, Pictures

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