Melbourne DJ, radio announcer, vibrational healer and yoga teacher letting off some steam about Life.
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Now That's What I Call Music!
Feeling: Satisfied
Just got home from spinning some records down at Wonderland. Played late (4 - 6 am) and thankfully left them begging for more. I saw lots of old faces there tonight and everyone was in great form. I walked in to see the end of Franky D's guest spot, and found the club pretty packed and the dancefloor in full swing. Baby Lemonade was up on stage singing in front of where Franky was set up behind the decks and there was a percussionist up there too. It was a good vibe to walk in on.
I started with my favourite new track, a house re-working of an old funk track from English producer Jacob London entitled "Work That Body". It is so hott I cannot get enough of it right now. Lots of his trademark sounds, fab bass-heavy beats and really smart use of the samples. It's the third 12" in a series of his which is out now.
Anyway, I was only meant to be writing a quick entry so I'm going to get on with the reason why I'm writing this.
Ok, if you love clubbing because you love the music, then you've probably cried on the dancefloor at least once. It's the pinnacle of any music lover's clubbing experience. If a DJ can put two records together in such a way that it moves you to tears and you wanna go and hug somebody, then I think you can say the DJ's done a pretty good job. Of course, this happens at concerts and operas and many other musically-oriented events, but for me, when a DJ can do it, I think that's heaven.
It's been awhile since I've made someone cry on the dancefloor through my music, but tonight I did it. At the start of my set I usually have a few people come up and say hello, and tonight one of them was a guy I hadn't seen for years. It had been so long I'd forgotten his name but he reminded me, it was Jason, a old disco acquaintance.
After some catching up he went off to the dancefloor and I saw him a few times after that, going to the bar, back for a dance then back to see me for a minute to comment on how much he was enjoying the music. It was a really nice change - there were more real house heads in there tonight than usual, and it's so much better as they get everyone else fired up and then everyone gets deeper into the music.
Halfway though the night I dropped "Take that to the Bank" by Shalamar, and Jason came running upto me and said, "There's only one other DJ that's made me cry," then I realized he had tears running down his face. The only thing left to do was give the guy a hug. He went off to the dancefloor after that for some more and at the end of the night when we was saying good bye I asked him who "the other one" was. New York's David Morales a few years back apparently. Hey I can live with that.
Friday, June 24, 2005
Distinguished Celestial
Mood: Feeling slightly guilty to be typing away here...should really be sticking to the schedule for today...but if I don't post an entry I will go quite mad from blog withdrawal. Am I just really, really sad?
All goes well. My work schedule has eased up a little which is a welcome relief as I've been going non-stop for the last three weeks. It hasn't been too hard to adjust but getting up at 6 am most mornings has been interesting, to say the least. This morning I slept in. YAY.
How gorgeous was the moon this week? If any of you out there were doubting its significance, I'm sure you thought differently when you copped a view of it. It was so bright and large! Hope you didn't go too crazy. I had a couple of moments, mainly due to miscommunications...but instead of reacting badly I held it together pretty well and managed to avoid any heated exchanges as a result. We like that.
One great thing that happened on the full moon was that my growing psychic faculties were confirmed more than once. One of the things that happened was that I "received" some information during the morning (while I was doing some laundry!) and later when I was speaking to a client on the phone I relayed the message, stating that I felt it was important for him. It was exactly what he needed to hear (and felt intuitively himself), and since then things have really shifted for him in a positive way.
Afterwards I felt so good for trusting my gut, I turned to myself in the mirror, looked myself in the eyes and (laughing) said, "I love you, I love you, I love you!" to myself in the mirror. Then laughed some more. It was cool. Try it next time you step into your power. I can guarantee you'll like it! It swear it does something to your DNA...
This weekend will be fun for the backyard and professional astronomer alike. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are converging for a spectacular alignment this weekend. Most will be able to see with this event with the naked eye as the planets will all be visible near the horizon. Don't miss this pretty sight if you can. For those of you who have heard that Mars will be appearing in our skies in August "as big as the full moon", don't know where this info has sprung from, but 2003 was the year when mars was closest to us and it could never appear that large in our sky! It crossed my mind that it might be Nibiru instead and someone out there wants us to think it's Mars. Hmmmm...(laughing). Don't believe the hype.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
Picking Up the Frequency
Now listen up peepz, I don't know what it is, but ever since the experience with Rudy in the hospital, the frequency at which I'm living my life has been increasing exponentially with each passing day. It's fantastic, challenging, at times daunting or physically demanding, but most of all, it's deliciously vindicating.
This is also the first entry in over a week, which has only happened once before, but God bless you all for continuing to visit the site despite my abscence. For regular visitors, you'll know how strange it is for me.
If your life is anything like mine, you may also be experiencing breathtaking synchronicities and plenty of new stuff to learn and be challenged by. It's kept me very busy. Et vous?
Even though finding the time to write something has been impossible lately, it hasn't been due to not having anything to say! On the contrary, I have so much news to report I could almost burst. I'll fill in the gaps as soon as I can, but I just had to check in and let you all know I hadn't fallen off the face of the Earth, or beamed up onto some ship bound for the outer cosmos... : )
I've waited my whole life for this to happen. I'm finally stepping into my power. My real power. And doing the work I was always meant to do. My life is a wonderful dish, fragrant and with just the right amount of spice. Djing, teaching yoga, healing, counselling, being a loving partner and friend, enjoying the relationships I have with my family, my body, my spirit; and most of all, feeling really happy to be here on Earth at last.
It's saddened me somewhat that I haven't had as much energy to write all my thoughts down, but in the past when I've had to take a break for a few days I have always needed to spend quite a bit of time writing to make up for it, and usually the entries come thick and fast again after that. I don't think this time will be any different as I don't want to forget any of it.
And I also had to remind you all that today is the Solstice! Here in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and it was nearly pitch black at about 5:30 pm yesterday (which is always weird), but at least now we can look forward to the days getting longer again. Well it's 3:11 am and I need to be up in three hours, so this transmission stops here. More tomorrow. I gotta get it all down before I forget it.
In the meanwhile, please read the following, it is a welcome note from Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey who compiles the wonderful Spiritlite Newsletter. It's inspiring stuff and Meg is speaking from direct experience which is evident. I urge you to go to her site and read the rest.
Create a great day.
"What a Journey this has become! Yesterday, I laughingly called this tour my “Oh. My. God. Tour….” I have found myself in many magnificent places, with many souls, touching each and they touching me. It seems to me that the openness that many experience at this time is an awakening of galactic proportions.
It was a wonderful time, talking with everyone in Spokane at the Conscious Living Expo. For the first time, I talked about the Crystalline Children, Star Children, Star Seeds and more, and amazing synchronicities began to happen. The workshop was a hit and the synchronicities that began in Spokane continue to amaze me!
In Sedona, the Oneness Consciousness Conference was attended by many loving beings who leaped in faith, consciousness and unconditionality during the weekend. The other presenters there were fully present with their gifts, which they shared with love. I was able to wander among the powerful red rocks of Sedona, experience the grace and magic of the grand canyon, visit ancient ruins of several native American settlements, be visited by a fleet of UFO’s (of which I got great photos) and I experienced many of the vortexes there.
Currently I am in Medford, OR, regenerating. Tomorrow I go to Mt. Shasta for Lee Carroll’s Summer Light Conference. I am very excited to be in the presence of such great giftedness as well as to experience Mt. Shasta. Yesterday I went to Crater Lake and today I went to the Redwood forest and touched, loved and shared consciousness with many of the ancient giants. They feel very sick to me. After all of the time that they have nurtured us as human beings virtually by their presence, their symbiosis within the ecosystem, they are struggling to survive. The Masters and I brought great healing to the area. We spoke to the trees in ancient languages (that I didn’t know I knew) to assist them in their remembering of healthfulness and prime of existence. Next, we went to the Pacific coast, to Crescent City, where last night, just out in the Ocean there was a 7.0 earthquake. The energies were still what I call wonky, unstable. There continue to be electro magnetic bursts from the earth that indicate that there will be more releases from within her. We brought healing there as well.
I have been wondering why Spirit has led me to so many sacred places in such a short time. I have begun to feel as if I am an emissary to these places, sharing remembering of times when the truth was all that was known and that which is the creation of something much greater than us was undamaged, pure, safe.
I have come to the realization that not only have I come to each place to bring healing, truth, the love of my heart, but so that I could experience the synergy of each place, the environment, and in some cases, a gathering of people from vast and varied cultures, countries, all communing in peace amongst the beauty of our world. And with reverence for that which is. As I visit these wondrous realms I am often overwhelmed to experience such a fantastic blending of nations who have all come together to share a reverence of natural beauty. Each absorbed in his or her experience and all having that same experience together. Oneness experienced in collective beauty. Hmmm. Isn’t that what we are calling in for the shift? Perhaps we ought to look in our own back yards…
This last weekend, during the Oneness Conference, I was given information by the Masters that beginning on July 9th of this year, and fully by July 17th, there is going to be a harmonic alignment of three star gates. They will align to include the Arcturian energies in ways beyond what happened a couple of years ago when the Arcturian corridor opened for all communication to be streamlined.
This alignment, a trinity of star gates, creates a parallel in realities as well as in the communication amongst them. In other words, there is to become a stacking of realities, one upon the other, an enfoldment of time and space. What this is going to do is allow for the veils which separate those realities to become very thin, and in some cases to disappear altogether at times. Those of you who see, hear, know, feel other realities may begin to experience some rather startling interruptions to your local realities. Those of you who have not yet experienced alternative realities may begin to do so. There is nothing to fear! This is an awesome opportunity to experience other dimensions without interference. Perhaps even other worlds, galaxies, for a time.
There is such shifting occurring that higher realities are beginning to pour into us and stream into our consciousness as we continue to evolve full circle from that which we were in the beginning to this now and onward to that which is light, that from which we came. In this way, we have the opportunity to walk between the worlds with ease and grace, experiencing each and all realities without interruption to our earthly journeys. In this way, we are becoming multi-dimensional creatures. For many of you this is a new experience. For some, a greater awareness to one which already existed.
An alignment such as the one which is about to occur is of great significance and rarity. Only two other times since the beginning (ok, at least this beginning) has this occurred. This means that this is a third. So now that is two trinities. A harmonic alignment of three star gates for the third time.
And the star gates are aligning on three planes of reality. A third three. Triple trinity. Imagine. This is the 333 harmonic. This is huge.
What the Masters show me is that our communications, the energies which enter the corridors of the alignment, will be dispersed throughout reality in a holographic cross formation. Not only up and down the harmonic corridor, but side to side as well. This all on multi levels of being. Holy cow. Talk about time to manifest reality. If enough of us used this opportunity to create reality, and all of us set the same intentions during the 9th – 17th of July, we can create enough manifestive power to holographically change reality and our experience within it. Imagine. Anyone interested?
Let’s say that when this alignment begins to occur at 9:43 a.m. GMT on July the 9th we send out the intention that as a world we have:
Hearts filled with Grace and unconditionality
The intention for Universal peace
Unification of humankind for the greater good of all beingness
Awareness in all people that all people are of the same source and ultimately heading to the same place… to the ONE
Each awaken to recognition to our own perfections
And the courage to not only step into these changes but to be living examples of this change, for it is by example that we can change our world and far beyond.
You can email Meg at
At the site you'll also find a transcript of a live Channeling that the Masters brought forward recently addressing the following questions.
Please explain how our DNA is a satellite. 2
How to we safely assimilate these new incoming energies?. 3
Ark of the Covenant 3
Is there a direct relationship between the Ark and the energy grid of the planet?. 4
If we want to change our selves and our life, how do we do it?. 5
Infinity Grid Alignment and Activation Series. 6
New Pope. 8
Who are the puppet masters behind the scenes?. 9
Book or Eurancha and A Course in Miracles. 9
How can we improve the education of our children?. 10
DNA and the expression of genetic disorders. 10
Children with emotional problems. 11
How to help a child. 12
How we decide on the challenges and environment of our next life. 13
Child with cerebral palsy. 14
Economy, political upsets, energy, environment, etc. 16
Some of these possibilities can be changed. 17
Why do humans convolute that which is so perfect already?. 18
The memories of what has come upon the planet has affected it 18
Soulmates. 18
Starchild and Indigo Child. 19
Starchildren probably same as Wingmakers
Sunday, June 12, 2005
The New Phoenix Lights
Feeling: Hungry. There's a pavlova baking in the oven. Yum.
Thousands of Arizona residents witnessed a mile-long, v-shaped formation of lights flying in the skies overhead. Dr Lynne Kitei has probably written the most interesting book on the Phoenix Lights case that I know of, in which she published many of her own remarkable photos taken from her balcony on several different occassions. She has also just recently produced a DVD featuring over 30 credible eyewitnesses, scientists and experts giving compelling testimony to the reality of these mysterious visitations. What were they? How did they affect the witnesses? What do they mean?
Here's an excerpt from an email sent to Jeff Rense during the week describing some new lights that were captured over Phoenix recently. The new footage is incredible, so go take a look!
From Brian Video © 2005
Click here to view the full video (12mg MPG)
" ... then something amazing happened ... other lights started flying down from the sky and joining the formation of lights ... it was simply amazing to witness and even more amazing is that this has finally been caught on video ... the video was jawdropping and the objects are so clearly taped that its just a miracle that it was caught ... the camera was on the tripod during the first few seconds of taping and it caught the lights appearing and flying down perfectly.. I decided to turn on the higher zoom on the camera so I removed it from the tripod and changed settings and began taping again ... this time I was zoomed closer to the objects and they started flying back up in the sky and disappearing.... it was all caught on tape and this time NOBODY can ever say that flares are all that are flying up around here in phoenix Arizona.." - Brian/
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Living Abundantly
Feeling: Abundant.
Aaaahhhhhhh, that's better! If you don't have much cash, it doesn't really matter if you feel wealthy on the inside. I've lived that way most of my life, but now as I continue to work with the Healing Codes, I find myself feeling "richer" by the day and I'm loving this!
How long has it been now? About 5-6 that time the changes that have come along, one by one, have gently yet profoundly changed me for the better.
You know, when Dr. Loyd said in that first interview I ever heard that cancer and really serious, life-threatening diseases were being healed in six weeks with the Healing Codes, even though I had no resistance to the idea, I didn't really think about a time-frame for the changes that would flow on in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well.
When I took that break from doing the Codes a few months ago it was evident to me that the momentum was lost and I found myself reverting back to old unhealthy patterns, which wasn't great by any means, but it really showed me how effective the treatments had been. Since I've been "good" again, the results have not only surpassed where I was before, I find myself having to stop myself from saying,"I can't believe it" every day, as something else happens in my life that blows me away.
But I'm happy to report I've noticed so many positive changes in my life that are beginning to take shape that my general levels of iz-ness have increased quite dramatically.
The most obvious thing has been what's been going on with my yoga classes. Four weeks ago, I was teaching one class a week, which was all I wanted to do at the time, but as I've had a lot of pressure on me financially lately, I knew I had to look at getting more work (of some kind) to make it through the next few months and more importantly, get the funds together to go and travel while it's still reasonably easy.
Today, I'm teaching three classes at night each week, four in the mornings and just this week I've had requests to teach 3 more classes next week. All of this work has landed in my lap due to word of mouth within the last fortnight. My income has suddenly tripled within the space of a week, and I'm doing what I love. I'm getting up early (harder than you think when you've lived like a night-owl for two decades), and I've lost some pounds without even trying - mainly because my apetite has become less voracious, which is pretty huge for me - I LOVE good food.
I'm also meeting people through yoga that are turning out to be very important people, and who are referring me to even more important people. And by imporatnt I mean that although they may be VIPs in the traditional sense, they're important to me because as well as being individuals I feel as strong sense of connectedness with, I feel as though the paths we take together from this point on will be mutually transformative on a much deeper level than the material. This is the stuff I live for.
Yesterday, I had two separate offers to do some writing too (without any prompting on my behalf), which was interesting to say the least. Both offers (one was to co-author a book) were from the most unexpected but wonderful pleople, who are both gifted metaphysicians residing in the US. I had been planning to get some of my work off to some publications to see whether I might be able to score a column or something so it was "funny" that some offers came to me before I'd even done anything about it, but hey, I so could get used to this.
And physically, that sore gum I mentioned a couple of weeks ago turned out to be an abscess that was triggered off by getting a filling the week prior. When I went back to the dentist for more work I showed them where my gum had literally exploded (!) and was informed that the nerve had died in one of my front teeth and that I'd need a root canal. Well you can imagine how upset I was. I'd gone to the dentist to fix my teeth, not kill them!
They offered to do all the work for free (while trying to make me feel better by telling me that I might need to eventually get a veneer on that tooth if it changes colour), and wanted to operate that day. I refused to let them go near it, and for the last three weeks I've been doing the Healing Codes religiously, taking some supplements, using crystals and toning with sound to heal my gum. I am looking forward to seeing the x-ray next week as it will shock the dentists I'm sure. There won't be anything there. Fuck root canals(sorry about the language), they are WRONG. I'm just so glad I didn't give in to what they were trying to tell me.
I know it's a long shot, but I know it's been done before - I've been visualizing the nerve regenerating as well - and I've actually been able to get some sensation back in the nerve itself during my HC treatments. It's like it's pulsing. It's pretty cool when I can feel it happening let me tell you. "The nerve is dead. We must remove it". I wish people in the healthcare fields would remember the power their words have on their patients more often.
As much as I wanted to blame it on the dentist, I knew that it was I that had brought this on. During my meditation on the last full moon I asked for a physical sign to help me see that a certain thing I was doing was unhealthy. The next day my gum exploded. The dentist had said that what happened to me was very rare, and I know that I became one of those rare cases because it was going to help teach me something. And it has, but I'm still struggling with it...but not as much. At the very least I have seen just how rapidly I can heal my body when an emergency occurs. It took about 5 days for my gum to return to normal, and I even took photos to document it because it was so quick to heal, but I think I'll spare you guys the details : )
I also learned that my old radio station, Kiss FM, is back on the air. V. cool timing. Let's see if I can get some airtime soon. How exciting!!!! "Otherware" may finally hit the airwaves...cannot wait.
Beyond that, I've really noticed how much more secure I've started to feel in my abilities to create a more abundant life. It's a good place to be. I'm still struggling with some things of course, but it's ok, because more than anything I'm letting myself look at myself from all angles now, to see the truth about myself without inflicting pain and judgement. How many people are really doing that in their lives? Until recently I was my most severe critic, so this is huge for me. It all comes down to being able to truly love yourself, others and the world.
Professor Emeritus at Stanford Univ.’s Dept. of Materials Science, Dr William Tiller appeared on Coast to Coast AM on Sunday night and he revealed some of the latest research on the heart. The following quote is from Kryon, chanelled in May, by David Brown. Wouldn't you know, they are both saying the same thing.
"Act with integrity. Act within yourself, where your heart desires as opposed to where your head desires. Your heart knows everything. Your heart holds within it, all levels of consciousness, and all levels of understanding.
Your heart is the feminine and will take you where you want to be and your head, which is masculine, will take you to where you think you want to be.
There is a vast difference.
Guidance from the Divine flows directly through your heart and it is for your head to help you on the journey. Follow your heart's longing and step into your truth. Your heart will teach you who you really are and the truth of your own magnificence. You are all magnificent beings of this Universe."
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Rochelle Sparrow
Melbourne 12 - 1 pm (repeats 3 hrs later)
PST 7 - 8 pm
GMT 3 - 4 am
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Hollow Earth Expedition
Feeling: Trusted. Today my new private yoga student confided deeply in me. I'm honoured that he felt safe enough to do. It's an amazing priveledge.
Fancy yourself a bit of an explorer? All you need to be part of this trek are the banknotes and you are in!
"Outdoorsman and explorer Steve Currey is planning a 24-day "Voyage to Our Hollow Earth" that he hopes to launch in June, 2005. This is no joke. Currey, who says he has led expeditions all over the world with US Senators, Congressmen, Heads of State, business leaders, celebrities and other explorers, is chartering a Russian nuclear icebreaker to take 100 people on a once-in-a-lifetime voyage."
Don't know if I'd have the guts even if I had the money, but if you do, can you please report back here after your return? I would give almost anything to hear about what you find!
I have been totally fascinated with stories of the Hollow Earth ever since I was a child. One of my favourite books from around 5 0r 6, which I read numerous times over was about jovial little people who lived underground, mined for gold and sang songs. I couldn't get enough of it. As an adult I can see the story triggered some kind of cellular memory - some part of me understood that there was some truth behind the tale. Maybe not that specifically, but I do believe there is sentient life of some kind down there.
More recently I've been totally intrigued by the accounts of the beings who are reportedly living in the inner Earth under Mt Shasta in California, where a thriving spiritual community lives. People walking on the mountain, have, for at least the last 40 years told stories of encountering beings there that say they live in the inner Earth, and that they are the remnants of the ancient civilization of Lemuria. Telos, precicely. Diane Robbins has written a convincing book about it which I'd recommend checking out if this interests you too. You can read an amazing message from one of its inhabitants, Adama, there too.
For more on Telos, go here. And check out more underground civilizations like Agartha (I LOVE that name).
Another fabulous story is from David Hatcher Childress who has done extensive searches through many of the world's most mysterious underground tunnels, particularly across South America. Hear a fantastic interview with him here, on the Laura Lee show, where he describes how in the 70's the Brazilian army was sent to investigate some of these tunnels. They marched for 3 days underground, through a tunnel that was 8 ft wide and 10 ft high until they arrived at a huge chamber that had four tunnels leading off it in four directions. At that point they decided to turn back as they couldn't see how far they extended, but Childress related that it was through these tunnels that ancient Maya probably escaped Cortez, taking them from Guatemala and Mexico through Brazil all the way to Peru.
Then there are the incredible stories from Admiral Byrd, who was the first to fly over the North Pole in 1926. In 1947, it is said he took a secret flight back there as he where he witnessed what sounds like an interdimensional portal of some kind.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Dancefloor Etiquette Tip # 5
"Keep your hip bones to yourself!"
There are certain nightclubs I just can't go to anymore. They're the ones where all the girls, male or female, like to wear midriff tops and have their skinny hip bones jutting out all over the place.
Furthermore, they tend to congregate at clubs where you can't breathe to begin with because the promoters have let in too many people, so the dedicated clubber must battle their way from the bar to the dancefloor, to the toilets, and back to the bar again amidst a sea of sticky-outy hips that belong to people who appear to not have any idea that there's anybody else there.
They will walk right up to you as if you're invisible and BOOM! there goes a hip-bone sticking you in the guts or elsewhere as you find yourself sandwiched between them and about three other people (possibly including someone you've been trying to avoid all nite...) then BOOM! there goes another one. It's exhausting, especially when the bar is only ten feet away but it's taking half an hour to squeeze through. Somehow though, the midriff girls manage to swan past, not only getting you with their hips, no that usually just comes first. Their stilettos can follow, crashing into your ankles or stepping on your toes, as they breeze past, spllling their drink in your vicinity. This, of course, becomes so much worse when one sees this while on the Danclefloor itself.
Shame on you. It's SO not disco! And by the way, that look is so tired. Get over it. And please, eat something.
Luckily for me, we don't see any of this nonsense down at Wonderland, which is attracting a fabulously diverse crowd of seasoned clubbers each Friday who don't need any tips like this. And this weekend is going to be the biggest yet in our three months so far. One of New York's finest Divas, the vocal talent Inaya Day is coming to perform this Friday. It'll be so much fun. Please join us ifyou can.
Enter via Soho Lane entrance off Grattan St.
138 Commercial Rd. Prahan - 10PM till late
Main room:
Inaya Day (USA)
Arlen de Silva
Liz Millar
Gimp pit:
Eddie Mac
$25 On the door - No Presale tickets. Don't be late!
$15 Guest List (rsvp with your details).
Saturday, June 04, 2005
2005, "The Year of the Sphere"
Feeling: Grrrreat.
Google's satellite imaging service has been turning up some brilliant stuff since it came into effect a few short months ago. I've been meaning to write a post about it, but in a way it's good I haven't til now as some of the recent discoveries have definitely been worth waiting for.
I urge anyone out there to do some investigating of their own, and please, if you find something we might like, pass it on! It's a ton of fun. You can get a pretty close-up view too, although if you want to see the rooftops you can only look at US addresses so far. I've been scanning some of the mansions in Beverly Hills, holy crap, some of those joints are out of control. For the best ones, keep working your way up the hills...they just get crazier and crazier the higher up you go.
Check it out here, click on the secret "satellite" button hidden in the top right hand corner, and you can even input street addresses or stuff like "astromomy shops" and you'll be shown where they are at street level.
Here's a great find archived at Tech World:
And from "The Unexplained" blogsite:
What ARE those strange crops being grown at Area 51?
And even more fun from Google themselves:
Now, as some of you know, there has been a lot of talk lately in certain channeled messages of craft that are stationed in our skies over some of the cities, or in orbit over the planet. After seeing these images, I'm starting to think there could be a kernel of truth to it, but I also think that what we're seeing may actually part of the light grids around the planet. Hmmm.
If you have a look yourself, you'll notice the thirteen spheres over L.A. are aligned in a horizontal line and are uniform in size and altitude. There have been a proliferation of images of these metallic looking spheres discovered by Google Satellite hunters, ordinary people like you and me, who are fascinated with finding the clearest, most compelling images they can.
One of the most stunning images is this one, photographed above Magnolia Park, Florida. See what the crew at Unknown Country have to say about it here. It appears to have been invisible to the eye, as it has been estimated to be no higher than 20,000 ft above the town, and something that big would've been seen, but it seems that the camera, as usual, wasn't fooled. Sphere over Magnolia Park, May 2005
The story gets better though. Some sleuths have actually discovered not just one sphere over Florida, but eight. And they appear to be in a grid. Los Angeles boasts thirteen! One of L.A.'s 13 spheres.
So, get to it folks, and if I find anything fabulous, you know I'll be posting it here.
Friday, June 03, 2005
Otherware Salutes New Dimensions
Feeling: Lazy - no Codes today. Thinking about doing a 30 minute intensive before sleep, but it's getting late.

I loved that book, with it's fantastic accounts of Yogananda's master Babaji, who is reportedly hundreds of years old (and still lives today in the Himalayas), and the journey of this man who achieved his quest for spiritual enlightenment, and became a Master.
If you're a student of yoga already, or interested in finding out more, this interview with Bro. Chidananda is essential listening, as he discusses at length the life of this great spiritual leader and teacher. Michael Toms, who has been interviewing the world's greatest thinkers for more than 30 years, has done a stellar job as usual, asking his thoughtful, insightful questions in his wonderfully gentle but highly articulate style. And if you have been wondering about the "second coming" and how it will manifest, the "ascension" process, or even 2012, then you may find some very useful information here. HIGHLY recommended.
*Bro. Chidananda, an American, has been a monk in the Self-Realization Fellowship's monastic community for more than twenty-five years, and serves on the SRF International Publications Council. He has assisted in the editing and publication of numerous books by Paramahansa Yogananda, including The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of Christ Within You (Self-Realization Fellowship 2004) and Autobiography of a Yogi (Self-Realization Fellowship 1979).
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Project Blue Beam?
Feeling: Vigilant
Want the juice on Prophet Yahweh? Have a listen to what remote viewer Aaron Donahue has come up with on this guy who can summon UFO's.
When I heard the words "Nellis Air Force Base" during the report I knew something smelled about this story (plus the fact it was ABC News reporting it in the first place), and after hearing Aaron's feedback from his RV sessions on it I tend to agree with him, regardless of his rather interesting "Luciferian" beliefs (as in Lucifer=Light).
Years ago I heard about NASA's Project Blue Beam, and I couldn't help but be reminded of it by this Prophet Yahweh story. As outlandish as Project Blue Beam sounded at the time, I guess since then I've been waiting for any signs of something like this afoot. I could be wrong of course, but I think the timing of this is interesting, and the fact that the next appearance is meant to take place over Las Vegas, with access to all the lights at the circus, well, you can make up your own minds.
"The Blue Beam Project will pretend to be the universal fulfillment of the prophecies of old. In principle, it will make use of the sky as a movie screen space-based, laser-generating satellites project simultaneous images to every part of the planet, in every language, in every dialect according to region. Specifically, the show will consist of laser projections of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving different images according to predominating regional/national religious faiths. No area will be excluded. With computer animation and sound effects appearing to come from the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned Messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness. The various saviors will then merge into one after "correct" explanations of the mysteries, prophecies, and revelations will have been disclosed. This event will occur at a time of great political and general tumult."
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Brazil Comes Clean on UFO Secrecy
Mood: Started the day at 7am with a new student doing private yoga lessons, and now he think I'm a goddess, so I'm supercharged and raring for a...catnap...
This story has been circulating now for a couple of weeks but if you hadn't already heard, the UFO network in Brazil headed by longtime researcher A.J. Gevaerd, has finally announced a major breakthrough in ending UFO secrecy.
A meeting took place on May 20 in the capital Brasilia between Brazilian Air Force officials and UFO researchers where it was announced that current President "Lula" Silva, supports opening most government suppressed files including UFO cases, political prisoner files and other secrets kept by previous Brazil administrations.
So, finally some real progress is being made in this arena. A.J. Geveard's "UFO" Magazine team of researchers have been steadily putting the pressure on the new government for the last few months to have the classified top-secret documents, photographs and video footage (taken largely by the Brazilian military) released to the public, and it's finally paid off.From accounts given by those who've seen some of the images on file, apparantly there's absolutely no mistaking that these are indeed UFO's and many of them were taken at close range by air force jet pilots who'd been sent off after them.
The awesome "Star Kids" researcher Dr Richard Boylan puts it as succintly as ever when he says,
"While this breakthrough occurs in Brazil, its implications are more far-reaching. Brazil is a major world country. For Brazil to break with the general choke-hold on UFO information which Washington seeks to impose in "all countries that matter" (read: wealthy industrialized nations) could embolden other countries to also begin thinking about coming clean with their peoples about UFO reality, and tearing down the wall of secrecy about Star Visitor contact. Is Columbia next? Or Finland? Or who?"
Besides Brazil, India has been the most frequent source of unbelievable UFO reports for the last few months. There has been a lot of talk on the website (which I believe is actually based in New Jersey, so go figure) of government disclosure becoming a reality there in the near future too. Let's keep our fingers crossed that this is just the beginning of a worldwide trend of public acceptance that this is a real and present phenomenon.
The only thing that has marred this announcement is a slanging match taking place on the internet, criticizing my girl Linda Howe from Earthfiles for her reporting of the story, which excludes the mention of A.J. Gevaerd at all and instead promotes another Brazilian UFO researcher and accused hoaxer Urandir Oliviera as being part of the disclosure process.
"Despite the fact that the disclosure of secret UFO files by the Brazilian Air Force was announced weeks ago as an achievement of the Brazilian Committee of UFO Researchers (CBU), after 14 very long months of hard work and determination in promoting the movement UFOs: Freedom of Information Now and the gathering of 36,000 signatures in a petition, Linda Moulton Howe completely omits those truly responsible for the successful results of the campaign."
In this case I don't know who to believe. This is not the first time A.J. Gevaerd has spoken out about Linda's reporting, as the last time Gevaerd was on the rampage it was a couple of years ago, over her reporting of the Oliviera case, in which he claimed to be in telepathic communication with beings who had abducted him on numerous occasions, and the last time it happened, some intriguing burn marks were left on the bedsheet he was lying on, when he was allegedly de-materialized to pass through his roof into the craft above. I heard Gevaerd had sour grapes because he wanted to report Urandir's story in his magazine and wasn't given access, so he began spreading a disinformation campaign as a result. I'm saddened by this latest development,but it still doen't tarnish the fact that disclosure is becoming a reality at last.
Oh, and in a related story, check out the footage of Prophet Yahweh summoning UFO's for a Fox News crew last week. It's pretty wild stuff.
And now this:
For only 45 days, starting June 1st until July 15, 2005, Prophet Yahweh, Seer of Yahweh, will be calling down UFOs and spaceships for the news media to film and photograph. During this time, a spaceship will descend, on Prophet's signal, and sit in the skies over Las Vegas, Nevada for almost two days.
Read more here.
A Direct Download from Source

"Tanit" by Christina Bryer
(used with permission)
How beautiful is this?
It reminds me of a stargate, with cosmic rays beaming out of it.
Perfect for the post below.
Christina Bryer is a South African artist who has exhibited her inspired artworks in porcelain, glazed stoneware and tiles internationally.
Looking forward to the time when I can
They're so fifth dimensional I could cry.