Thursday, June 09, 2005

Living Abundantly

Listening: Native American & Hawaiian Shamanism on Living Successfully, Wisdom Radio

Feeling: Abundant.

Aaaahhhhhhh, that's better! If you don't have much cash, it doesn't really matter if you feel wealthy on the inside. I've lived that way most of my life, but now as I continue to work with the Healing Codes, I find myself feeling "richer" by the day and I'm loving this!

How long has it been now? About 5-6 that time the changes that have come along, one by one, have gently yet profoundly changed me for the better.

You know, when Dr. Loyd said in that first interview I ever heard that cancer and really serious, life-threatening diseases were being healed in six weeks with the Healing Codes, even though I had no resistance to the idea, I didn't really think about a time-frame for the changes that would flow on in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies as well.

When I took that break from doing the Codes a few months ago it was evident to me that the momentum was lost and I found myself reverting back to old unhealthy patterns, which wasn't great by any means, but it really showed me how effective the treatments had been. Since I've been "good" again, the results have not only surpassed where I was before, I find myself having to stop myself from saying,"I can't believe it" every day, as something else happens in my life that blows me away.

But I'm happy to report I've noticed so many positive changes in my life that are beginning to take shape that my general levels of iz-ness have increased quite dramatically.

The most obvious thing has been what's been going on with my yoga classes. Four weeks ago, I was teaching one class a week, which was all I wanted to do at the time, but as I've had a lot of pressure on me financially lately, I knew I had to look at getting more work (of some kind) to make it through the next few months and more importantly, get the funds together to go and travel while it's still reasonably easy.

Today, I'm teaching three classes at night each week, four in the mornings and just this week I've had requests to teach 3 more classes next week. All of this work has landed in my lap due to word of mouth within the last fortnight. My income has suddenly tripled within the space of a week, and I'm doing what I love. I'm getting up early (harder than you think when you've lived like a night-owl for two decades), and I've lost some pounds without even trying - mainly because my apetite has become less voracious, which is pretty huge for me - I LOVE good food.

I'm also meeting people through yoga that are turning out to be very important people, and who are referring me to even more important people. And by imporatnt I mean that although they may be VIPs in the traditional sense, they're important to me because as well as being individuals I feel as strong sense of connectedness with, I feel as though the paths we take together from this point on will be mutually transformative on a much deeper level than the material. This is the stuff I live for.

Yesterday, I had two separate offers to do some writing too (without any prompting on my behalf), which was interesting to say the least. Both offers (one was to co-author a book) were from the most unexpected but wonderful pleople, who are both gifted metaphysicians residing in the US. I had been planning to get some of my work off to some publications to see whether I might be able to score a column or something so it was "funny" that some offers came to me before I'd even done anything about it, but hey, I so could get used to this.

And physically, that sore gum I mentioned a couple of weeks ago turned out to be an abscess that was triggered off by getting a filling the week prior. When I went back to the dentist for more work I showed them where my gum had literally exploded (!) and was informed that the nerve had died in one of my front teeth and that I'd need a root canal. Well you can imagine how upset I was. I'd gone to the dentist to fix my teeth, not kill them!

They offered to do all the work for free (while trying to make me feel better by telling me that I might need to eventually get a veneer on that tooth if it changes colour), and wanted to operate that day. I refused to let them go near it, and for the last three weeks I've been doing the Healing Codes religiously, taking some supplements, using crystals and toning with sound to heal my gum. I am looking forward to seeing the x-ray next week as it will shock the dentists I'm sure. There won't be anything there. Fuck root canals(sorry about the language), they are WRONG. I'm just so glad I didn't give in to what they were trying to tell me.

I know it's a long shot, but I know it's been done before - I've been visualizing the nerve regenerating as well - and I've actually been able to get some sensation back in the nerve itself during my HC treatments. It's like it's pulsing. It's pretty cool when I can feel it happening let me tell you. "The nerve is dead. We must remove it". I wish people in the healthcare fields would remember the power their words have on their patients more often.

As much as I wanted to blame it on the dentist, I knew that it was I that had brought this on. During my meditation on the last full moon I asked for a physical sign to help me see that a certain thing I was doing was unhealthy. The next day my gum exploded. The dentist had said that what happened to me was very rare, and I know that I became one of those rare cases because it was going to help teach me something. And it has, but I'm still struggling with it...but not as much. At the very least I have seen just how rapidly I can heal my body when an emergency occurs. It took about 5 days for my gum to return to normal, and I even took photos to document it because it was so quick to heal, but I think I'll spare you guys the details : )

I also learned that my old radio station, Kiss FM, is back on the air. V. cool timing. Let's see if I can get some airtime soon. How exciting!!!! "Otherware" may finally hit the airwaves...cannot wait.

Beyond that, I've really noticed how much more secure I've started to feel in my abilities to create a more abundant life. It's a good place to be. I'm still struggling with some things of course, but it's ok, because more than anything I'm letting myself look at myself from all angles now, to see the truth about myself without inflicting pain and judgement. How many people are really doing that in their lives? Until recently I was my most severe critic, so this is huge for me. It all comes down to being able to truly love yourself, others and the world.

Professor Emeritus at Stanford Univ.’s Dept. of Materials Science, Dr William Tiller appeared on Coast to Coast AM on Sunday night and he revealed some of the latest research on the heart. The following quote is from Kryon, chanelled in May, by David Brown. Wouldn't you know, they are both saying the same thing.

"Act with integrity. Act within yourself, where your heart desires as opposed to where your head desires. Your heart knows everything. Your heart holds within it, all levels of consciousness, and all levels of understanding.

Your heart is the feminine and will take you where you want to be and your head, which is masculine, will take you to where you think you want to be.
There is a vast difference.

Guidance from the Divine flows directly through your heart and it is for your head to help you on the journey. Follow your heart's longing and step into your truth. Your heart will teach you who you really are and the truth of your own magnificence. You are all magnificent beings of this Universe."


  1. Anonymous5:06 am

    I've viewed "the healing codes". . .

    I've studied energy psychology for some time now and the healing codes are nothing more than Dr Loyd's attempt to make another TFT system so that he can copyright it and charge a large sum for it.

    Loyd uses his own "points" and calls them the healing mechanisms. He claims that these "points" held in certain positions will trigger an inner mechanism to heal the body, but wait you have to do the different points is a certain order for each specific "issue" to trigger the “healing mechanism”--sounds a lot like TFT to me!

    These points are not special nor do they trigger a “healing mechanism” in the body--they are based on Dr. Loyd's beliefs, only. The healing comes from relieving the “stress” and “energy blocks” developed by holding onto “wrong beliefs” and “negative emotional states”—when these are “cleared” the energy flows freely and heals the body by returning it to its “normal” state, no “healing mechanism” is involved.

    How can I say this?

    Well, as EFT showed, the sequence of points in TFT has no relevance to resolving the problem--other systems such as BSFF, PEAT, TAT, etc have all proven the same thing. And since I have a Master's in Acupuncture let me tell you this simple secret--all points are interconnected and pull on the whole system so it doesn't really matter what points you use (or what body part for that matter)....just hit on a few that seem to trigger a movement for you.

    Also…and this is key….
    I’ve tested these points with a few people. The interesting thing is, with bio-energetic testing, everyone gets a negative response to the “positions” Dr. Loyd uses which means the body is going into stress—according to Dr. Loyd however, they get a positive response to the “setup statements” and other systems used which are all very similar to other “energy psychology” systems.

    Furthermore, his HRV study is rather misleading. Callaghan found that TFT put a person in a non-stress state as a person’s SUDs went down—this happens immediately thus Callaghan did find techniques (his own) that put people into a neutral HRV position and didn’t take six weeks but Dr. Loyd doesn’t mention that.

    This means that any technique, which reduces a person’s SUDs, will also put them into that same non-stress state. Therefore, all the “energy psychology” techniques have this same feature but they simply haven’t paid for HRV testing. And by the way HRV responds to physiology thus anything that changes a person’s physiology effects the test, thus to say that it is immune to “placebo” is not true because suggestion, EFT, deep breathing, etc can all be considered “placebo” to a greater or lesser degree.

    All in All the healing codes do a nice job of packaging EFT/TFT/PEAT/BSFF/TAT into a new form for copyright protection to be sold at a very high price—nice business move!

    I suggest people see EFT ( and BSFF etc. . . along with “shallow PEAT”. All of these will do the same or more than “the healing codes” if you take the “shotgun” approach (this is essentially what Dr. Loyd is doing) and apply it to anything and everything that comes up in your life especially all your past events that trigger any type of “negative issue”, forgiveness issues, etc…….and do it day in and day out at least 3x/day!

    If you do this you will see great results no matter which of these systems you use.

    The only reason I’m posting this is because it disheartens me to see the repackaging of systems that are free or very cheap into a very expensive package. “The Healing Codes” have their place and Dr. Loyd has done a good job in packaging but the main question one needs to ask is, is the packaging worth $800 or would a little effort on your part pay off more?

    Good luck!

  2. HI and thanks, but it sounds like you haven't actually done a treatment yourself. I know I'm a HC customer evangelist but that's because I've been really happy with the system as is.

    I could see from the outset that it was a synthesis of many differing modalities and that's what I loved about it. To be honest, I don't have the time to go and learn all those separate techniques, nor do I want to, and for me personally, the main part of the Healing Codes that I love so much is what happens when I do the treatment. I can feel light energy leaving the tips of my fingers and going right into my skull. I've even felt that light extending into my eye socket even though my fingers were under my chin! That's a whole lot more that all those pyschology techniques could ever do for me!

    THAT, I believe, is why the system works - you are literally switching healing centres in the brain on, in a profound, quantum way. The other stuff like dealing with core issues etc is only part of it.

    Also, the levels of healing that I've seen in myself and others has been incredibly deep. The other day I was working on a friend and during the treatment she re-experienced a trauma from a past life that she was finally able to clear. The event happened in the 13th Century, and she'd been carrying that pain all this time, but now it's healed...I've had many experiences of channeling very highly conscious information while I'm working on people (first time ever) and one woman was given a new "truth focus statement" to use during another session. I've also felt like I've even switched dimensions during a healing. I have no doubt that the other techniques may do the same thing eventually, but I was having profound experiences from the first week of using them.

    Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate having someone out there bothering to write at all considering how busy we can all be. It's great to dialogue about the Healing Codes too. I like having the conversation, whether you agree with me or not.
