Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Picking Up the Frequency

Woo-Hoo!!!!! What a ride! Call me crazy, but I think we've left the third dimension, and it feels GOOOOOD.

Now listen up peepz, I don't know what it is, but ever since the experience with Rudy in the hospital, the frequency at which I'm living my life has been increasing exponentially with each passing day. It's fantastic, challenging, at times daunting or physically demanding, but most of all, it's deliciously vindicating.

This is also the first entry in over a week, which has only happened once before, but God bless you all for continuing to visit the site despite my abscence. For regular visitors, you'll know how strange it is for me.

If your life is anything like mine, you may also be experiencing breathtaking synchronicities and plenty of new stuff to learn and be challenged by. It's kept me very busy. Et vous?

Even though finding the time to write something has been impossible lately, it hasn't been due to not having anything to say! On the contrary, I have so much news to report I could almost burst. I'll fill in the gaps as soon as I can, but I just had to check in and let you all know I hadn't fallen off the face of the Earth, or beamed up onto some ship bound for the outer cosmos... : )

I've waited my whole life for this to happen. I'm finally stepping into my power. My real power. And doing the work I was always meant to do. My life is a wonderful dish, fragrant and with just the right amount of spice. Djing, teaching yoga, healing, counselling, being a loving partner and friend, enjoying the relationships I have with my family, my body, my spirit; and most of all, feeling really happy to be here on Earth at last.

It's saddened me somewhat that I haven't had as much energy to write all my thoughts down, but in the past when I've had to take a break for a few days I have always needed to spend quite a bit of time writing to make up for it, and usually the entries come thick and fast again after that. I don't think this time will be any different as I don't want to forget any of it.

And I also had to remind you all that today is the Solstice! Here in the Southern Hemisphere, it's the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year, and it was nearly pitch black at about 5:30 pm yesterday (which is always weird), but at least now we can look forward to the days getting longer again. Well it's 3:11 am and I need to be up in three hours, so this transmission stops here. More tomorrow. I gotta get it all down before I forget it.

In the meanwhile, please read the following, it is a welcome note from Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey who compiles the wonderful Spiritlite Newsletter. It's inspiring stuff and Meg is speaking from direct experience which is evident. I urge you to go to her site and read the rest.

Create a great day.

"What a Journey this has become! Yesterday, I laughingly called this tour my “Oh. My. God. Tour….” I have found myself in many magnificent places, with many souls, touching each and they touching me. It seems to me that the openness that many experience at this time is an awakening of galactic proportions.

It was a wonderful time, talking with everyone in Spokane at the Conscious Living Expo. For the first time, I talked about the Crystalline Children, Star Children, Star Seeds and more, and amazing synchronicities began to happen. The workshop was a hit and the synchronicities that began in Spokane continue to amaze me!

In Sedona, the Oneness Consciousness Conference was attended by many loving beings who leaped in faith, consciousness and unconditionality during the weekend. The other presenters there were fully present with their gifts, which they shared with love. I was able to wander among the powerful red rocks of Sedona, experience the grace and magic of the grand canyon, visit ancient ruins of several native American settlements, be visited by a fleet of UFO’s (of which I got great photos) and I experienced many of the vortexes there.

Currently I am in Medford, OR, regenerating. Tomorrow I go to Mt. Shasta for Lee Carroll’s Summer Light Conference. I am very excited to be in the presence of such great giftedness as well as to experience Mt. Shasta. Yesterday I went to Crater Lake and today I went to the Redwood forest and touched, loved and shared consciousness with many of the ancient giants. They feel very sick to me. After all of the time that they have nurtured us as human beings virtually by their presence, their symbiosis within the ecosystem, they are struggling to survive. The Masters and I brought great healing to the area. We spoke to the trees in ancient languages (that I didn’t know I knew) to assist them in their remembering of healthfulness and prime of existence. Next, we went to the Pacific coast, to Crescent City, where last night, just out in the Ocean there was a 7.0 earthquake. The energies were still what I call wonky, unstable. There continue to be electro magnetic bursts from the earth that indicate that there will be more releases from within her. We brought healing there as well.

I have been wondering why Spirit has led me to so many sacred places in such a short time. I have begun to feel as if I am an emissary to these places, sharing remembering of times when the truth was all that was known and that which is the creation of something much greater than us was undamaged, pure, safe.

I have come to the realization that not only have I come to each place to bring healing, truth, the love of my heart, but so that I could experience the synergy of each place, the environment, and in some cases, a gathering of people from vast and varied cultures, countries, all communing in peace amongst the beauty of our world. And with reverence for that which is. As I visit these wondrous realms I am often overwhelmed to experience such a fantastic blending of nations who have all come together to share a reverence of natural beauty. Each absorbed in his or her experience and all having that same experience together. Oneness experienced in collective beauty. Hmmm. Isn’t that what we are calling in for the shift? Perhaps we ought to look in our own back yards…

This last weekend, during the Oneness Conference, I was given information by the Masters that beginning on July 9th of this year, and fully by July 17th, there is going to be a harmonic alignment of three star gates. They will align to include the Arcturian energies in ways beyond what happened a couple of years ago when the Arcturian corridor opened for all communication to be streamlined.

This alignment, a trinity of star gates, creates a parallel in realities as well as in the communication amongst them. In other words, there is to become a stacking of realities, one upon the other, an enfoldment of time and space. What this is going to do is allow for the veils which separate those realities to become very thin, and in some cases to disappear altogether at times. Those of you who see, hear, know, feel other realities may begin to experience some rather startling interruptions to your local realities. Those of you who have not yet experienced alternative realities may begin to do so. There is nothing to fear! This is an awesome opportunity to experience other dimensions without interference. Perhaps even other worlds, galaxies, for a time.

There is such shifting occurring that higher realities are beginning to pour into us and stream into our consciousness as we continue to evolve full circle from that which we were in the beginning to this now and onward to that which is light, that from which we came. In this way, we have the opportunity to walk between the worlds with ease and grace, experiencing each and all realities without interruption to our earthly journeys. In this way, we are becoming multi-dimensional creatures. For many of you this is a new experience. For some, a greater awareness to one which already existed.

An alignment such as the one which is about to occur is of great significance and rarity. Only two other times since the beginning (ok, at least this beginning) has this occurred. This means that this is a third. So now that is two trinities. A harmonic alignment of three star gates for the third time.

And the star gates are aligning on three planes of reality. A third three. Triple trinity. Imagine. This is the 333 harmonic. This is huge.

What the Masters show me is that our communications, the energies which enter the corridors of the alignment, will be dispersed throughout reality in a holographic cross formation. Not only up and down the harmonic corridor, but side to side as well. This all on multi levels of being. Holy cow. Talk about time to manifest reality. If enough of us used this opportunity to create reality, and all of us set the same intentions during the 9th – 17th of July, we can create enough manifestive power to holographically change reality and our experience within it. Imagine. Anyone interested?

Let’s say that when this alignment begins to occur at 9:43 a.m. GMT on July the 9th we send out the intention that as a world we have:

Hearts filled with Grace and unconditionality
The intention for Universal peace
Unification of humankind for the greater good of all beingness
Awareness in all people that all people are of the same source and ultimately heading to the same place… to the ONE
Each awaken to recognition to our own perfections
And the courage to not only step into these changes but to be living examples of this change, for it is by example that we can change our world and far beyond.

You can email Meg at spiritlite1@aol.com.

At the site you'll also find a transcript of a live Channeling that the Masters brought forward recently addressing the following questions.

Please explain how our DNA is a satellite. 2
How to we safely assimilate these new incoming energies?. 3
Ark of the Covenant 3
Is there a direct relationship between the Ark and the energy grid of the planet?. 4
If we want to change our selves and our life, how do we do it?. 5
Infinity Grid Alignment and Activation Series. 6
New Pope. 8
Who are the puppet masters behind the scenes?. 9
Book or Eurancha and A Course in Miracles. 9
How can we improve the education of our children?. 10
DNA and the expression of genetic disorders. 10
Children with emotional problems. 11
How to help a child. 12
How we decide on the challenges and environment of our next life. 13
Child with cerebral palsy. 14
Economy, political upsets, energy, environment, etc. 16
Some of these possibilities can be changed. 17
Why do humans convolute that which is so perfect already?. 18
The memories of what has come upon the planet has affected it 18
Soulmates. 18
Starchild and Indigo Child. 19
Starchildren probably same as Wingmakers

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