Feeling: Grrrreat.
Google's satellite imaging service has been turning up some brilliant stuff since it came into effect a few short months ago. I've been meaning to write a post about it, but in a way it's good I haven't til now as some of the recent discoveries have definitely been worth waiting for.
I urge anyone out there to do some investigating of their own, and please, if you find something we might like, pass it on! It's a ton of fun. You can get a pretty close-up view too, although if you want to see the rooftops you can only look at US addresses so far. I've been scanning some of the mansions in Beverly Hills, holy crap, some of those joints are out of control. For the best ones, keep working your way up the hills...they just get crazier and crazier the higher up you go.
Check it out here, click on the secret "satellite" button hidden in the top right hand corner, and you can even input street addresses or stuff like "astromomy shops" and you'll be shown where they are at street level.
Here's a great find archived at Tech World:
And from "The Unexplained" blogsite:
What ARE those strange crops being grown at Area 51?
And even more fun from Google themselves:
Now, as some of you know, there has been a lot of talk lately in certain channeled messages of craft that are stationed in our skies over some of the cities, or in orbit over the planet. After seeing these images, I'm starting to think there could be a kernel of truth to it, but I also think that what we're seeing may actually part of the light grids around the planet. Hmmm.
If you have a look yourself, you'll notice the thirteen spheres over L.A. are aligned in a horizontal line and are uniform in size and altitude. There have been a proliferation of images of these metallic looking spheres discovered by Google Satellite hunters, ordinary people like you and me, who are fascinated with finding the clearest, most compelling images they can.
One of the most stunning images is this one, photographed above Magnolia Park, Florida. See what the crew at Unknown Country have to say about it here. It appears to have been invisible to the eye, as it has been estimated to be no higher than 20,000 ft above the town, and something that big would've been seen, but it seems that the camera, as usual, wasn't fooled. Sphere over Magnolia Park, May 2005
The story gets better though. Some sleuths have actually discovered not just one sphere over Florida, but eight. And they appear to be in a grid. Los Angeles boasts thirteen! One of L.A.'s 13 spheres.
So, get to it folks, and if I find anything fabulous, you know I'll be posting it here.
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