Sunday, March 27, 2005

The Great Cosmic Treasure Hunt

Wow Easter's here again.

For "normal" people that usually means swapping meat for hot cross buns and Easter eggs, and going to Church services or at least hanging out with the family for a few hours and going home having consumed far too much chocolate.

For many of my disco friends the "Resurrection" is actually the name of a gay/leather dance party, and Easter Sunday is one of the biggest dates in the clubbing year. Since most of them have usually been up since Thursday, by the time Saturday's come-down arrives, I guess you could say that's the clubbing version of the Harrowing of Hell, and Easter Sunday is the Dancefloor Resurrection.

Toby and I have been having a lovely lazy time at home, away from the clubs, except for Friday night when I played my weekly residency at the new night, Wonderland. It was a really good party, and after a successful opening last week, this week's turn-out was even better. People were queuing outside at 9pm, which is rare, but we were doing the recovery for the all-day party Rawhide, so the club was pumping by 11pm. There were some good heads in there too. It's an older, more club-savvy crowd, and they like good music.
We like that very much.

Toby and I spent most of yesterday playing records and talking about everything and anything that took our fancy, but our conversation often veered into deeper waters. We talked about the Terry Schiavo case, which I've been following for a couple of years now, thanks to Joyce and Dave at the
Power Hour. We both agree that if she's allowed to die, it could lead to a series of events that trigger a civil war over there. Not a nice thought, but there it is. We jumped around a lot of topics, from the John Titor story and time-travel, to 80's music and sample-spotting, to the dark matter in the universe, to sacred geometry and cymatics, to planning our trip to see the 2006 Solar Eclipse from Turkey next year, to funny stories from our crazy lives - we went all over the place and as usual, had plenty of fun.

We are also very pleased because Toby just bought a sampler (for making music), but we're actually more excited by the fact that we can do
speech reversals with it! We can't wait, it's going to be brilliant when we start finding them ourselves. Check some reversals out if you're not familiar with them, they're amazing. And later tonight we're off to see Arj Barker at the Comedy Festival. Should be unreal. I'll write a review tomorrow, but as soon as I saw his show description I knew I had to see him. Basically, it sounds like he's already doing the kind of stand-up I want to do, so, cool.

"Greeting Joyous Beings! Let us explore the emerging awareness of humanity and the ongoing journey towards super consciousness. Hear the secrets of Yoga, Meditation and Apple Juice! Find out why is your stubborn ego keeping you from being as awesome as I am. Most importantly learn to live withour fear - Before its too late!!" - Arj

For the last few months I've been quietly getting some material together to for a stand-up routine of my own. I have always thought that I'd like to try it as I love seeing live comedy, but it was the fabulous Margaret Cho that really made me decide to go for it. She inspired me so much and I feel as though our lives parallel in many ways. I'd love it if I wound up doing gigs at Star Trek conventions and Mind Body Spirit Festivals - can you imagine? I'd probably open up my set at a Trekkie convention by saying that I was to there to have a threesome with Seven... and what self-respecting Trekkie could argue with that? So yeah, you know, it'd be that sort of thing along with some deep stuff thrown in for good measure.

I think this is a great time of the year. We've just begun the new astrological year with Aries, giving us the opportunity to set our intentions for the coming Astrological year, as well as for visions of ourselves to be created and built upon, so use this time for those new projects or revisit things that have been left for awhile. This is the month to get them going.

In times past, when humans lived on this planet in harmony with the cycles of nature, spiritual orders such as the Druids who live in the Northern hemisphere would commemorate their Spring rites. The Easter symbols of the egg (signifying re-birth) and the bunny (a symbol of fertility) have probably come down to us from these times, well before Jesus walked the Earth.

In the Judaic tradition, this full moon is when they celebrate Passover, commemorating the Exodus from Egypt, when the Jews were also beginning a new chapter of their history.

It's no mistake that it's also the time we remember the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus, as these events also remind us of new life, and new cycles of evolution. His birth ushered in the beginning of the Piscean Age, with its dominating qualities of religious devotion, martyrdom and looking outside of one's self for the answers. Now roughly 2000 years on, the Aquarian energies are beating at the door. We can expect the next 2000-odd year cycle to be dominated by qualities such as self-discipleship (which involves trusting our own thoughts and feelings much more than we do now) and hopefully, the strengthening of the brotherhood of man. During the overlap, which we're in right now, you can see how the two very distinct types of energy compete and create turmoil as people adjust, or not.

One of my first memories is of rejecting Catholicism and organised religion at age 3 - it's quite a story (but I'll save it for another time), and now as an adult, I can see why it was important to me to do that. The short version is that even at that tender age I could see it wasn't the path for me, and perhaps after you read the following excerpt, you will understand that I needed more. A LOT more.

Seeing that it's that time of year, I'd like to offer a more expanded perspective on the life of Jesus, from "Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions", which is currently at the top of my reading list.

To preface the excerpt here are a couple of points for context:
  • Earth experienced a huge cataclysm around 11,500 years ago, and we all suffer a type of post-traumatic stress disorder that has been passed down to us via our ancestral DNA.
  • Andromeda, the closest spiral galaxy to ours, is actually converging with the Milky Way, while all others are moving away.
  • The P's say Andromeda has a huge influence on the Milky Way, especially in our solar system, since within the Andromeda Galaxy there is a similar solar system to ours. In it is a planet called Aion, which is like Earth in every way, the only difference is that Aion did not suffer a cataclysm like we did, its inhabitants are devoid of collective trauma, and they freely interact with the higher dimensions.
  • The P's also say that Aion's population direct their culture by employing sacred science using light and sound codes, and some of these transmissions are directed at Earth.
  • These transmissions are now being picked up by astronomers (although they still don't understand their place of origin). Check out this amazing story from Linda Moulton Howe's Earthfiles on March 3, about a report in British journal Nature about a powerful and repeating burst of radio waves detected toward the centre of our Milky Way galaxy that are unlike any other radio bursts ever monitored on Earth.


The beautiful Andromeda Galaxy

alchemy of the nine dimensions book cover

This excerpt is from the chapter entitled
"The Seventh Dimension: The Galactic Highways of Light".

"Andromeda created a program 2000 years ago called the "Cosmic Restart Button". They sent Christ, a 9D Messiah (singer of God's frequencies), to Earth. He came to re-awaken love within the human heart so that each person could heal from trauma, and the P's say our DNA reformulates by love. (See the cellular biologist Bruce Lipton's work at Stanford, who confirms this fact - Liz). In those days, the people got the message because Christ was human in all ways and infused his blood into Earth. The truth is, Christ fathered children, a seminal act that awakened Earth's biology. This story - the hidden teaching of the Holy Grail - has been carefully guarded; the Messiah threatened the Elite plan to control Earth. Regardless of the Elite agenda, Andromeda is the Keeper of 7D for Earth - their "Cosmic Restart Button" is working - and now our galaxy is being informed about harmonic biology and undamaged DNA.
The P's also tell us that the new energy coming to Earth from Andromeda is being received in our hearts. Christ seeded humanity with grace, which draws each one of us to a new level. We are withdrawing from the Elite organised religions and reclaiming the sacred. Satya, saucy as usual, says we are remembering the "erotic" Christ, the cosmic progenitor of humankind. Organised religions deny the very nature of the alchemical male, which is why this juicy force has been perverted into sexual abuse. The building wave of grace is freeing the minds of the people, who feel the potency of the Grail. Many people now know that Christ was married to Mary Magdalene, and that he seeded a 9D bloodline into Earth's people."
From "Alchemy of the Nine Dimensions" by Barbara Hand Clow with Gerry Clow
(Hamption Roads Publishing 2004).
Please visit the Hand-Clow 2012 website here, and blessings to all.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:24 am

    Hey Liz!
    My name is mike and I saw your message and website through the Pleaidian mail group. Just wanted to say that I really admire your mindset and the clear energy that comes through in what you have written. I'm originally from Melbourne but currently living in sunny Perth- it's a bit of a shame, would have loved to have a beer with you. Anyway, all the best to you; drop me a message if you're ever over this side of the country. Happy Easter!
