Friday, March 11, 2005


2012 alignment

Someone asked me the other day, “So what’s going to happen in 2012, Liz ?” If you don’t know about the Mayan calendar, astronomy or prophecy, you may not have learned that Timeship Earth and the entire solar system is rapidly moving through space to arrive at a grand alignment with the Sun and the galactic core on the solstice of Dec 21, 2012. In virtually every indigenous culture’s folklore, and in many ancient sacred texts, you will find some reference to this date or time in our evolution. This isn't the first time in Earth's history that we have cycled into this position in the heavens.

Many of our ancestors have left clues as to what to expect, and how to navigate our way through. Myths, customs and esoteric lore descendent from prehistoric times indicate that cosmic rays from a Galactic core explosion catastrophically affect the Earth and solar system in recurrent cycles. The most recent event occurring near the end of the last ice age, roughly 13,000 years ago, at the same time that the last remaining fragments of the Atlantean maritime empire are said to have sunk to the bottom of the sea.

Earth and the solar system will be directly facing the galactic core (did you see the story last week about the 6 regular "pulses" they recorded coming from it? wild) in a north-south direction, and the Sun will move across from east to west, perfectly crossing the centre of the galaxy while we sit in the middle. From our view on Earth, we will be able to see the arrow in the bow of the constellation Saggitarius pointing directly at the galactic core on the right, and on the left, in the constellation of Scorpio, the sting in the scorpion's tail will also be pointing directly at the galactic centre, as if to alert us to the right spot.

The ancient star lore connected with the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations indicated the location of the Galactic center, and it conveyed the idea of an explosive outburst. What happens on the day is anyone's guess, but there is plenty of stuff out there to look at if this is something that sparks your interest. All of the planets in our solar system are heating up too, according to some ongoing Russian research, indicating that the solar system as a whole may experiencing some kind of galactic season, and that what we think is causing global warming on Earth may require a larger perspective. It may not be a purely Earth-based phenomena.

Could it be that as we move closer to this alignment, it is already beginning to exert more of an influence over our neighbourhood? Are we already being subjected to a whole set of new frequencies that will usher in a shift of some kind? Is there something happening at the centre of our Galaxy that we are beginning to detect?

I just watched a DVD the other night entitled “The Secrets of Alchemy”, by Jay Weidner, and in it he details his real-life Indiana Jones quest from Southern France to Peru as he attempts to decode the puzzling inscription of the Great Cross of Hendaye. The translation has eluded some of the world’s greatest minds for centuries, and Jay was able to show how he not only decoded the inscription (which led him to an identical cross in Peru, near Cusco), but that the Cross itself represents the actual Great Cross in the skies that the Earth will be right smack in the middle of on that 2012 date. He was helped greatly in his endeavour through the writings of the 20th century alchemist, Fulcanelli, so it seems that even the alchemists were down with 2012, and wanted to preserve their knowledge about it in stone for the time when it might come in handy.

The cross near Cusco, in Peru, was placed there long ago by some unknown persons as a marker that this remote highland town, with its numerous granite stone caves several hundred feet above sea level, was a “safe place,” and it seems that that is what the alchemists were trying to tell us.

This post is not about whether I agree that there will be a pole shift, or whether the world is going to end. Just wanted to get that straight.

Don’t you feel, at some level, that we may be just around the corner from something big though? As we watch the stage show that the media calls the news and go about our days, do you ever get the nagging sensation that humanity may be just hanging on, by the tips of our fingers? We are bombarded from the cradle to the grave by a media-military-industrial complex that spends billions each year on wars, disinformation, promoting mediocrity, endless low self-esteem and fear campaigns, all in the effort to keep us as distracted and disconnected from nature, ourselves and each other as possible. Have you ever thought about why our lives are geared that way?

Maybe you haven’t stopped to think about it, but I know you feel it. Every single thing on this planet feels it. It’s that feeling that our lives have all taken on this new level of intensity, that time is shrinking, that minutes seem more like nanoseconds. Relationships, careers, families, religions, education, governments, and all parts of the biosphere are under more stress it seems than ever before. All are undergoing radical shifts. Much that has been hidden or suppressed for a long time is coming to light, often accompanied by pain or healing or both. In your own life lately, how much more flexibility have you needed to exercise in order to maintain balance? How much have things been shaken up? How much have you wanted to stir things up yourself? Do you feel the need to do some mental or emotional housecleaning so that you can let go of the wrong beliefs or situations that no longer serve you? We know, on some level, that we’ve reached a turning point, and that change is the only certainty to our survival.

I believe that we are on the cusp of some kind of transformation that the planet as whole experiences. Some kind of fundamental shift in the way we view ourselves, or our world. Here's an interesting link to the
Octave Timeline, which is a graphic of creation cycles, based on the Mayan Calendar and Astrology. This resonated with me a lot, but a "shift" could manifest in an infinite number of ways. I believe that it is intrinsically linked to the way that we deal with the challenges before us, individually and as a species, over the next few years.

The only way I can completely explain how I think each of us will fare on the road to 2012 can be summed up in just two words, frequency-specific, but first I need to explain a few points, for context.

1. You have a frequency signature as clearly as you have fingerprints, and it is hard-wired into your brain’s neural-net and comes from your DNA. The Mayan’s call it your Galactic Signature, and each person’s signature occupies one of 260 positional places on the sacred calendar, the Tzolkin. It dictates the way we perceive the world. It explains why we each have a unique experience of life.

2. We are quite literally generators of frequency. For example, the heart generates the largest field in the body and can be as wide as 12 feet in diameter. I'm sure we all know the feeling of being within someone's heart field, especially if they loved you deeply. We can measure the frequencies in our bodies with machines like MRI's. The most important part of the name Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) isn’t magnetic, but resonance (which is created by frequency). The machine measures the frequencies generated by the different organs inside your body so it can produce a photo of your insides. The resulting image is governed by the specific frequencies your body generates. Words, thoughts and actions also produce frequencies. These frequencies can be visualized as vibrating lines of magnetic flux laden with information. Check out the diagrams at the Heart Math Institute, they're cool!

3. The mind is a process of consciousness coming through set neurological pathways, and the neurons actually acy like tiny antennas tp pick up and process data in the form of electro-magnetic signals. We generally access quite a narrow band of information from the entire electro-magnetic spectrum and we can only process that which we are wired to do so. But we have the potential in our neurons to access the entire range. Think about how much of our brains are not being used right now.

4. We don’t see with our eyes, they merely let the photons of light in. Our brains process that data and then converts it into images inside our heads that we see "outside”. Some people are able to process a broader range of frequencies (think broadband as opposed to dial-up), if the neural net has more active connections.

This explains, to a small extent, why some people experience “paranormal” phenomena. It really peeves me that there’s this dumb-ass “paranormal” tag to things like psychic abilities etc, as this is stuff we are all equipped to do. We don’t just have a “sixth" sense. We have a multitude of other in-built technologies that give us the ability to process information that comes from beyond our five sense reality. This is completely NORMAL. This is also our birthright.

5. Directed intensity of consciousness creates our reality. The more coherent the consciousness, the more coherent the reality. Intention is everything.

So, having said all that, I believe that we are all frequency-specific, therefore our experience of reality is frequency-specific to us.

The Eclipse story is a pretty good example of how this works. If my intent had been less passionate or heartfelt than it was, I may never have met Alan and Gerard, and I could’ve hooked up with the wrong people, gotten stranded somewhere, or worse. Any number of probabilities for potential outcomes exists in the quantum sea. It’s totally up to you as to which which one is refelected back to you.

I've learned through experience that you can create your reality by choosing which frequency you want to be living at, and that is determined largely by the feelings that you generate in your heart, and how that guides the actions you take in the world. When you're feeling love, for example, Bruce Lipton at Stanford has been able to demonstrate how it totally re-shapes your DNA, and creates a cascade of positive effects on your body and mind. You are in control of your DNA, but no-one else can do this work for you.

I believe that this current world geo-political climate is a replay of an old drama, that humans have been on this planet for millions of years and that advanced civilizations have come and gone many times before ours. Their fingerprints are everywhere, and if you're looking for something fabulous to read, pick up a copy of
Dead Men's Secrets by Jonathan Gray, or Forbidden Archeology: The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael Cremo for unexplainable artifacts and proof that everything you learned about our origins in history class was wrong.

As we replay this old drama, with Bush playing the last Babylonian Emperor at the "
End of History", we are faced once again with the choice: Evolve or Die.

Do we go down the path of fear, and blow ourselves up again, as it seems we are destined and even encouraged to do, making Earth yet another desolate Mars-like ghetto in the solar system?

mars city

Or do we choose to trust our hearts and feelings, our intuition, our own logic and sense of right and wrong, over what we are told, or sold?

Do we finally choose the path of love-wisdom?
Expansion or contraction? Short-term vision or Cosmic Inheritance?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:24 pm

    Hi Liz,

    Great post and in fact a great blog.

    Please do visit my site as the news on it is of life importance!

    I show actual proof of structures on the moon, Aliens, UFO's, our creator God and the dark spirits of devil. (and how to stop this devil)

    A lot will happen in 2012..

    I ask you this, what if 2012 where in fact 2007? Won''t we be 5 years too late?

    I believe it is. Act now!

    Read the truth about what is going on in the world, why and how to stop it, in
