Monday, February 14, 2005

Om's Not Bombs

The 3rd Annual World Sound Healing Day
happens today Feb 14, at 7:00pm New York time,
with global tone at 8:00pm.
Melbourne times are Tuesday Feb 15th at 11:00am,
with global tone at 12 midday.

I'll be here at home, logging on to World Puja at the right time so I can listen live, connect up and help create "The Sound Heard Around the World". Hoping that you may be inspired enough to do the same, in private, or in a group.

Special Guests:
Jonathan Goldman, Sarah Benson, Kimba Arem & the fabulous Dr. Masaru Emoto, whose amazing book "The Hidden Messages In Water" should be accessible to everyone on the planet (especially as we are 75%-90% water ourselves, hello). In my home it has become a permanent coffee-table fixture and it has changed the lives of many who've come through these doors. I daresay the Doctor will have a glass of water on hand to "listen" to the frequencies we all create and then photograph the resulting water crystal so we can all see how beautiful we sound as a unified planet!

Anyway, I LOVE global meditations. One of the first times I participated in one of these was in 1987, during the Harmonic Convergence. I was still just a sweet innocent yoga student then, with a record-shop job and an alternative music radio show, and really had very little idea of the significance of the meditation I was doing. It was just another function at my school, or so it seemed. I found out years later that the man whose vision it was to alert the world of this rare and magnificent planetary alignment was Dr. Jose Arguelles, who I later came to know about through his seminal work, "The Mayan Factor". He's someone for whom I now have the deepest respect for, and after seeing him speak in person, love for. I don't think I've ever believed this about anybody before, but I consider him to be a bona-fide prophet, as he has demonstrated by example though his life's work - the outstanding decodings of the Mayan civilization and their calendar, and the global network he has administered for the dissemination of this crucial knowledge. He does it for nothing too, which speaks volumes to me.

With much help through the underground networks of lightworkers (in '87 the internet was still in its infancy), millions of people all over the earth gathered in their communities and sacred sites to link hearts and minds. It was a beautiful ceremony, and I'm so glad I always kept the original handout from that event.

Things have certainly changed since then. More people are aware of meditation practices in general and even more are regularly participating themselves. This is helped along tremendously by the work of many dedicated scientists, who are finally able to confirm one of those things that yogis, mystics and metaphysicians have been saying for literally Ages: that our inner realities have a tangible, measurable effect in our outer world. A recent study into prayer, for example, has shown conclusively that it works. No surprises there for a lot of people, but fuck it's nice when there are double-blind studies to confirm it!

I now know that the Harmonic Convergence was pivotal in creating a new set of frequencies for the planet, one of the effects being the emergence of these indigo/crystal kids. It was the signal many of them required from us, prior to incarnation, that enough people on this planet were ready for The Shift that they are ushering in. Although I have no way of proving this to you, it doesn't matter, because the kids will, one way or another.

I first found out about the World Puja (puja=prayer) website a couple of years ago, when the word went out about the Harmonic Concordance, another global meditation around an extremely rare planetary alignment.

It was my first time as a participant "online", and I was at home alone, sitting cross-legged on my loungeroom floor listening to the broadcast. I really wasn't prepared for what happened next. Once the introductions, welcomes and thank-you's were complete, Jonathan Goldman, who was hosting that one, asked everybody to slip into their hearts and connect up with all the other people who were participating.

I had no idea until weeks later that an estimated 11 million people worldwide were with me in that very moment, but what I felt! It was sublime, there are no words for the feelings and revelations I had. It was as though I could feel everybody breathing, at times it felt so real I had to check that no-one was actually standing behind me. Most of all, in my heart I could feel everyone's intent for peace, their desire to contribute in a positive way, and their love. All our hearts were open and broadcasting the most incredible love frequencies that only millions united at once can create. I felt these frequencies everywhere, as a part of me, and all around me. I was struck deliriously dumb by the whole thing for a few moments, but once we began the toning, I was even more shocked to find that I'd mysteriously aqcuired what sounded like a pipe organ in my chest! So there I was, bellowing my lungs out (and scaring the neighbours no doubt), my voice mingling with the voices coming out of my speakers, and the sounds were truly astonishing, as well as mesmerisingly beautiful. We continued to tone for another 20 minutes, and when it was time to end, I would've given anything for another 20. I just didn't want to leave that place yet, it was so powerful and real. The broadcast sadly had to end, but over the next few days the feelings, insights and sense of peace I'd gained stayed vibrantly alive within me, as a profound sense of joy, and as a re-newed faith in humanity. Since then, I've shared in many World Puja events and their archives have been a much needed retreat at times. Please consider supporting this free service in whatever way you can. If nothing else, please pass on the link to at least one person you know.

I will no doubt elaborate further at a later point as this is a subject very dear to me, but if you're really doubtful that meditations work, check out the top 3 "classic otherware" links on my side bar, for some scientific proof that I may not be talking out of my ass (and because I had to spend an hour learning the right CSS language to put the links up there in the first place). There's plenty of proof out there.

Our imagination is the most powerful tool humanity has at its disposal. Look around at your surroundings, your home, office, the seat you are sitting on....everything you can see was first imagined before it came into physical form.

Our thoughts are things. And our feelings can help propel our thoughts into all dimensions, with results we perceive to be positive or negative. As you continue to look around your world, can you see that your fear, anger, bitterness, apathy or lack of compassion in your personal life may have helped create these same conditions on a global scale? As individuals we must start taking some of the responsibility for what we create collectively, and for where we are headed if we don't learn to evolve out of our current worldviews.

Thankfully, the future isn't set in stone. We can consciously co-create our future with the choices that we make from this point on. Just because you've done something a certain way your whole life doesn't mean you must stay that way. The point of power is in the present, and just as we can recognise our abilties to create unhealthy situations, so we must also own our power to create positive change, as individuals of course, but also as a species. Can you imagine how our whole world would be transformed in an instant if each one of us chose to live by this maxim:

"Let there be peace. Let it begin with me."

Happy Valentine's Day.

1 comment:

  1. An inspiring read, Liz. I'm looking forward to checking out some of your links, and more of your posts too. Keep up the good work !
