Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Rebuilding New Orleans?

Listening: Kevin and Michelle Hennelly discuss survival, safe places and messages from Mother Mary on Prophecy Keepers Radio

Feeling: Tearful - I just watched this:
Aaron Broussard- President Jefferson Parrish "No-one's coming to save us"

These links may be the last for awhile regarding the finger-pointing going on in the wake of Katrina. I don't feel I need to post them anymore as it has become obvious to the rest of the world that there is a despotic regime controlling the US and that it must be removed forever. Thankfully, efforts are now underway to get things done, but for most people it's too little too late.

Writing my thoughts down over the last week has proven too difficult as I've had so much going on in my head. I've needed to go into the silence many times to really feel like I've reached a point of resolution in my heart and mind regarding "the Big Picture". No doubt I will write more of my thughts about this over the coming weeks.

Let's all continue to pray for those who have departed, as well as for the living who remain and who have all been touched by this event. The sufffering will go on for years to come and in some cases, for the rest of their lives.

For those of us watching it all unfold from the safety of our homes, after we've just eaten a delicious meal or played with our pets or children, or slept peacefully with our partners on crisp clean linen has no doubt brought up in us a sense of collective guilt for having so much while there is so much suffering going on (even if our homes are modest, they all have working toilets, which is plenty more than the victims here). On top of that there is the sense of collective helplessness. "What can I do? I'm not American. I can't help." It's so frustrating feeling as though our hands are tied. They are not.

The appeal that follows is something I hope you will read carefullly and distribute to your lists widely. There is power in being heard, and making your opinion known to your government, media, schools etc. DO NOT remain silent here. Please. Your own freedom may be next to go.

It will take some time, but I believe that when New Orleans is rebuilt, it will serve as one of the world's greatest Light centres and places for healing. A spiritual rennaisance will occur there. Miracles will be shared. Tales of unbelievable survival stories will come out. People's creativity has and will continue to be tested to the max, just for basic survival. Out of that, new and unexpected leaders will be born.

Perhaps through their tragedy and sacrifice, the rest of us have been granted access on a mass scale to the greatest gift - the Truth - and armed with it we may create the conditions for a new global paradigm of unity-consciousness on Earth that so many of us have dreamt of for eons. And it occurred to me just after the disaster struck that many of those who've departed at this time may have done so because now so they can reincarnate as Crystal and Sapphire children straight away. It's so obvious how desperately we need them now. If you haven't seen the remarkable interview with Drunvalo Melchizadek I posted here a couple of months ago regarding these kids it's incredibly exciting and enlightening stuff.

Without discounting in any way the horror that we've all witnessed, or the pain of those who suffer, if there was a higher purpose for these events (and I believe that there always is) that is my general sense of it.

Urgent International Appeal.

U.S. troops in New Orleans are treating hurricane victims as members of "Al Qaeda." Reports coming to WMR report that the greater New Orleans area has been turned into a virtual military zone where troops threaten bewildered and hungry survivors who approach them for help. *One resident of the unflooded Algiers section of New Orleans on the west bank of the Mississippi River reports that the 65,000 population of the neighborhood has been reduced by forced evacuations to 2000 even though there are relatively undamaged schools, parks, and churches available to house the homeless. The remaining population of Algiers is in urgent need of medical supplies. The same situation exists in Jefferson Parish and other areas in the greater New Orleans area. U.S. troops are treating the remaining people in New Orleans and its suburbs as "suicide bombers," according to the Algiers resident. FEMA's operations are nothing more than a ruse to depopulate the poor African-American and whites from the metropolitan area. A natural disaster has now turned into a human rights catastrophe in the making. Our corporate news media is totally controlled by the Bush administration with an information embargo now in force from the Gulf coasts of Louisiana and Mississippi. Thecable news channels are now praising the White House's response. This is a blatant lie from a dictatorship that controls the media through financial control and intimidation. The web is our only way to get the news out to the rest of the world.

As a U.S. human rights activist who has reported on genocide in Rwanda,
Sudan, West Papua and other parts of the world, I am appealing to my
human rights and civil liberties contacts around the world -- Africa,
Europe, Latin America, Australia, Canada, Asia and the Pacific -- to
immediately bring this humanitarian crisis to the attention of your
elected representatives, your governments, and international
organizations. They must make immediate demarches to the American
diplomatic embassies and offices in your countries. The United States is
under the control of a despotic regime that is permitting American
citizens and legal residents to die from starvation and disease. This is
why the Bush regime refused offers of international assistance -- they
are depopulating an entire city that before the storm was 70 percent
African American, with the remaining 30 percent largely comprised of
those of Creole, French Acadian, and American Indian descent. The United
Nations must take this up as an urgent unfolding crisis that has an
international impact. Please help our people.

Meanwhile, the communications jamming in the New Orleans continues. it
is now being reported as affecting the Citizens' Band (CB) frequencies
by truck drivers on Interstate-10.

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