Thursday, January 27, 2005

Being A Nice Human

Here it is.
The first official blog from someone who is sincerely
trying to Be A Nice Human.

It's not always easy. I like to use the word "cunt" a lot.
Luckily for the more tender-hearted readers out there, I probably won't be needing to say that too much, as I have high hopes for my life from this moment on to unfold in a manner that is as un-cunty as possible. It may happen though, so be warned.

Now that we've been introduced, I would like to welcome you. And no matter how you've found your way here, I just want to let you know - God led you here today, cunt.

Let's just wait a minute.....
Oh good, the Raymond fans and fundamentalists have gone. Now that we're among friends, let's get down to the business at hand.
I hope to spend some time exploring this vector of cyberspace with you, "my people", heh.

I have no idea what will come out, but I will tell you that I am an explorer, a sytems-buster, a diva-starseed. As such I have some pretty cool tales to tell. I will speak my truth at all times, and without reservation, and in the process, hope to inspire you to do the same. Unless you feel like lying outrageously in the name of entertainment, which is of course, highly encouraged.

So what does it really mean: Being A Nice Human?
There's a lot to it. Being kind to yourself is a big part of it. Keeping a sense of humour is another part. Seeking true quality in your relationships is yet another, and today that last bit rings especially true for me.

When you find people you can be truly yourself around, treasure them! And if, after some time, you realise that you can't do that any more, thank them and say goodbye.
I did that today with my best friend Rod.

A screaming queen from Aspendale, he was growing tits and modelling for Chanel (so he claims) by the age of 16. He became a star of Melbourne's underground scene in the late 80's, later graduating to techno dj demi-god status in the 90's, then left it all a few years ago in his quest to re-invent himself as a beachcombing fisher-of-men type (I mean that literally), who's retreated to the idyllic climes of Byron Bay in order settle into tronik-guru-hood. He has entertained, loved and protected me above all others for nearly 15 years. I was referred to as "the wife" for at least half that time. And we were fierce together in the old days. Him tall and Anglo-beautiful, me, petite and Asian-hot. We met in the clubs and bonded over Stoli vodka and taking the piss out of "the industry" and badly-dressed fashion victims. Later came an offer for us to co-host a tv show which never eventuated, but after the meetings we'd eat Japanese food and talk about our crazy love-lives. We were inseparable for a long time. Sometimes we lived together, but we'd spend hours on the phone when we didn't, we shared music and dancefloors together, put together some out-there Kabuki performance on stage once, did underground dance music radio shows together, would divulge searingly hot gossip to each other that people would've DIED if they'd had any inkling we knew about, we travelled into other dimensions together, fed each other tales of the paranormal, laughed until we cried, and like all true friends, even made each other cry sometimes too. I couldn't imagine a life without him.

Lately though, what we had seems like a dream in a far-off fantasy, dreamlike and blurry in places. At some point we just stopped growing together. Then we stopped liking each other. And now it's over.
It's all been arrived at without words too, and in a bittersweet way, I feel grateful that at least we still have the ability to read each other's minds.

So today, Being A Nice Human means that no matter how much you love somebody, if the path you once shared got splintered along the way and you've lost sight of the way back to each other, you have to let them go with love and keep walking your own road. Being A Nice Human is loving yourself enough to not accept anyone or anything that dimishes your ability to be true to yourself, and having others reflect that back to you with their authentic love and respect.

There's a dignity in realising that the quality just isn't there anymore and acknowledging that it's ok to move on. It's not just sensible and kind, it's an utterly necessary step in your own evolvement.
Find others that can share your frequency.

This consciousness guiding the hands that type these words only has one go at being "Liz Millar". I want to get it right. If this same consciousness exists in the past or future as "Vladimir" or "Jane" or "Diego" or "Salome", then maybe some of the truths I've picked up, and still hold as codes in my DNA, have taught me something: It's the knowledge that we will always be connected.
Real love, after all, is not based on attachment.

And no matter how similar or different someone else's path may be to yours right now, all roads end up at the same place anyway : )

"Love was the impelling motive for manifestation, and love it is that keeps all in ordered sequence: love bears all on the path of return to the Father's bosom, and love eventually perfects all that is. It is love that builds the forms that cradle temporarily the hidden inner life, and love is the cause of the disruption of those forms, and in their utter shattering, so that the life may further progress."
Alice Bailey


  1. Anonymous12:05 pm

    Nice insights Liz, keep it coming from the heart. You never stop striving to improve yourself and looking all around in the process, and that is infectious - Alex

  2. Anonymous2:47 am

    Your piece was very interesting.
    You certainly wear your heart on your sleeve, and are very honest (I like that-it's rare!) but you're a very insightful and entertaining writer. Have you thought of having some of your thoughts published?
    Yeah, maybe I need a bit of web bloggin, I could do with a little venting, just don't know if I'm brave enough to be quite so honest and open, it takes balls, and you certainly have them.

  3. Anonymous2:50 am your are still one of the towers in
    my life even though we're 1000 of miles appart.

    all so true and relevant... always so true and relevant.....if id known that
    or read that years ago i'd be further allong the path to freedom and truth
    and balance...gilt free and happy. it's sad how things change, but ive come
    to realise that its one of the necessary parts of life....without it would
    we grow, learn or shine?....i'm guessin no....

  4. Anonymous2:52 am

    that was cool ... i look forward to a regular dose of of lizpiration.
    will you e-mail each time u upload? or am i meant to check it as i
    would "the children" ... i'm no good in blogdom.

    i started a blog page for the shop ... i was gonna upload lists of new
    releases each time a delivery came thru (and random rants/chants of
    greatness) - you've inspired me to spring clean it and finally get it a

    i love the word cunty

  5. Anonymous2:52 am

    That’s cool

    Thanks for sharing that Liz

    Keep writing.

  6. The 4 comments posted above came to me in my private mailbox.
    I have omitted their names to protect their identities,
    but wanted a permanent record of their commemts. This blog is
    ultimately for ME, after all.

  7. Anonymous3:03 pm

    some may think you're a bit out there with yr views but not me. you speak the truth as you see it at all times, and no one can argue with that. i just love the positive energy that you exude! u go grrrlll : )


  8. Anonymous5:34 pm

    can't wait for the next installment. you'll never cease to amaze me ms.millar. (and i don't want that to change!)

    .....omitted - private

    i have you to thank mostly for this. why? because you share with the world all you have & ask nothing in return. so, even though some will be skeptical or cynical about your words, some will take them to heart & make the most of the enlightenment - even if it's just the smallest of changes.

    you rock so hard liz millar.


  9. Anonymous6:15 pm

    Hey Liz...
    Just had a read through your page... As usual (and thank GOD!) you always give us great food for thought.
    Loving your work!
    Loving your style!
    ... and Loving being part of each others' lives!

    Un besote muy grandotote!!!
    El Rey de la Parranda :

  10. What can I say? ...shucks you guys.
    I feel humbled by your candour and encouragement.
    When I wrote Being A Nice Human it was with a lot of sadness but also with a lot of love in my heart. I got to pay tribute to a person that I truly care for (tongue-in-cheek maybe, but must be able to laugh at one's self, right?), and pay tribute to the deep friendship we once had, while declaring to myself once and for all that I could admit when it was over without becoming bitter. Bitterness is so boring.
    Putting all my feelings into words was cathartic in many ways, but mostly because I NEVER intended to share it with anyone I knew. Something in me clicked though, once I read it back. I realised that it dealt with issues that everybody has to contend with at some time in their lives, and that it might be useful for others to see how I'm choosing to play.

    After reading through all these comments, I'm glad I did share it, and that you GET me, and that I can be myself and know that that's ok.
    That means everything to me.

  11. Anonymous2:31 pm

    hey cool! rock on disco babe! lovin the blog : )


  12. I also have had to part ways with friends in the past, and it was bittersweet. Thank you for directing me here. I look forward to reading more!!

  13. As we say down here - no worries J!
    Thanks for checkin' out my blog, and glad that you dig it. Cool...

  14. Anonymous11:49 am

    HI LIZ Millar thanks for shedding light on "life stuff" that we all go through, painfully, sadly, sometimes gratefully,(i've just experienced a similar thing). Cheers for your honesty & revelations...Got to give it up for you gal & anyone who is true with & open about their feelings in a public domain constantly subject to all kinds of scrutiny!As hard as it is, I'm learning to say thanx & goodbye...this is how we grow, flow and know...

  15. I'm so touched at your comments, Anonymous. Thank you for taking the time to read what I had to say. It's good to own your power, and it sounds like you've begun to discover yours too.
