Saturday, April 09, 2005

We Like Icke

If you have never had a good telling off in your life for being a completely brainwashed shit, then please listen to this.

This interview (and any future ones) was banned from going to air by the broadcasters of
News For The Soul, CFUN in Canada, but the show host Nicole Whitney uploaded it to their archives here. And it's free to listen.

Love him or hate him, David Icke has been right time and time again. An English ex-professional soccer player turned TV journalist in the 80's, I don't think anybody who knew him back then could've predicted that he would go on to be one of the most controversial lecturers and authors in the world a few years later. He was one of the first people to come out and speak publicly about the Illuminati and their bloodlines, their agenda for a one world government, a micro-chipped population and the media-industrial-military complex; and to top it all off, he started tying this all in with some fourth dimensional reptilians. You can see how that might've gotten up a few people's noses.

Personally I love him (but shits me sometimes).

He's got balls. I take my hat off to anyone who's got the guts to stand up and talk about the kind of subject matter that he does, with the conviction that he does. I also give what he says credence because I've now had the opportunity to digest his material for a few years, and I've seen for myself just how much his seemingly "outlandish" ideas have been vindicated over time.

He is very articulate, a consummate researcher and as he's been at it for nearly 20 years now, he gets a lot of his information from disgruntled parties from within many of the organisations he is exposing. That can only happen once a certain level of trust has been established I'm sure.

He's been labeled everything from being "completely mad", a "conspiracy theorist" (no surprise there), and when the powers-that-be get a little desperate to silence him, "Anti-Semitic" (that's funny...his first books were funded by a wealthy Jewish friend).

He wakes people up, and for that he's a hero to me.

But, he shits me for being so one-dimensional at times (he used to go on about reptilians a LOT). He can get very loud and righteous and he also tends to rant, but I'm very glad to say that he's definitely evolved over the last few years. A gentler vibration has begun to enter his work, and the title of his new book Infinite Love is the Only Truth, Everything else is Illusion was inspired during an Ayuhuasca ceremony with a local indigineous tribe in the Amazon rainforest, when at the age of 50, he took some drugs for the first time in his life.

He explained it perfectly. After having spent so much time doing "five-sense" research uncovering the agenda for this centralised fascist state, he realized that there were "more levels to it", and that in order for him to find the solutions for the five-sense manipulation going on all around us, he reasoned that he needed to experience other realms of existence, or other vibrational states, and to see this dimension from a different vantage point. Smart man.

I'd highly recommend checking out his books, particularly everything that's come out since Children of the Matrix, about 5 years ago. I went to the South Yarra Public Library recently and was a bit shocked to see nearly all of them there, so you might try that if you're a local.

He also has a knack for coming up with terms or bringing to light concepts that many others copy later on down the track. The most famous term he's coined, "Problem-Reaction-Solution", is being bandied about by everyone from Alex Jones and Dave Von Kleist to Jeff Rense and George Noory these days.

Maybe it's time more people started to listen to what David is saying.

"Nothing is being done to change the situation that we are facing in terms of the people who are in contol and therefore the agenda that's now unfolding that leads to those kids in Baghdad being terrified and no doubt killed before this horror is complete. It's about time that people who talk about spirituality, who talk about enlightenment, got off their other-dimensional arses and started making a difference in this dimension because they haven't come here like they currently are, to ignore - and they have done so. (Voice gets louder)

"If I'm getting passionate, I'm making no excuses for that 'cos I'm sick of the bullshit that allows this continue, and sick of the people who want to find an excuse to run away and hide and give their conscience easy excuses to do nothing.

"We have to realise how we are being manipulated and take control of our reality back because what we believe is what we actually see. And if we go on accepting the reality that is being pounded out to us, minute by minute, that is the reality we are going to go on seeing. This whole matrix , this manufactured, collective reality is only held together because we believe it. When you get deep into metaphysics and what the nature of reality actually is, we create what we believe, and if we believe it and go on believing it and more and more people believe it then the vibrational fields with which we create reality solidify and become more and more difficult to break. It's what I call the consensus reality."

David Icke - News For The Soul Radio, Canada

It's a good interview for those who've never heard him speak before, as he covers a lot of ground. You certainly won't be bored. He spends some time going into all the ins and outs of how we don't actually "see" with our eyes (which I mentioned briefly in an earlier post), which makes it well worth a listen. Everybody should know that fact. There's a bit of distorted audio in the first couple of minutes, but it's fine after that. Have a listen.

category: People

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