Friday, April 29, 2005

It's All Done In Photoshop You Know

Listening: Ray Fowler talking about alien abductee Betty Andreasson Luca, whose case he has been following for thirty years. Unknown Country subscriber section.

Mood: Happy

Here are some great shots my brother took of some orbs on the move, or possibly vortexes of some kind. Whatever they are, they're certainly no trick of the light, or dust particles on the lens. If you compare the tube-like forms, you can see how they are the same as the spine/cord/tube of light at the rear of the elongated head I posted a couple of weeks ago. Both shots happened to be taken near animals too, my brother's rabbit Olive is in the background here:

double orb

orb with pets

Growlie and Flora with Orb

This is what my bro' said when he emailed me the photos:

A little background. The photo with Olive flopped was taken in my bedroom at Mum's house. Olive had just decided things were so good that it was time to display his contentment! Rabbits tend to "Flop" (dive to the floor to their left or right and lay on their side), when they want to tell you that they are very comfortable and happy with the world. It was taken with a digital camera (Canon Powershot 350). The next photo was taken at Grace's parents old house in Glenn Thompson. Growlie and Flora (dog & cat) were play fighting and that photo was taken with a normal film camera, not sure what brand. Both cameras were strapless.

My interpretation is that the Vortex, or spirit energy (on camera) is drawn to events where high a level of positive energy, contentment, peace and serentiy is felt. Which I conclude would explain why similar images appear in photos of people's family gatherings, parties and so on."

Still hoping that someone else out there might like to contribute some anomalies for my gallery too. Anyone game? Please send to Ta.

category: Blog, Photos

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