Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Stargate Activations are Cool

Listening: Eating Swans; TastingMenu.com; Stouts and Ales; Protein for Vegetarians; Spice It Up and OC Vietnamese - Gustavo Arellano heads to the OC for some great Vietnamese cuisine and Ben Schott tells a tale of a swan feast gone awry in England, among other things. Archived at Good Food, KCRW in L.A.

Feeling: Pretty good except for a slightly swollen gum. Using amethyst, aquamarine and rhodochrosite crystals (handheld) to reduce the inflammation, in conjunction with the HC's and they're working beautifully.

The 5:5 gate is OPEN people.

The full moon has ushered in a whole new set of frequencies that are available to us now and for me, it has brought with it one of the most profound, joyous, blessed, tearful, triumphant days I've ever created. It's too soon to write about it; I really need to let this settle for awhile. It was that incredible.

No doubt I'll be raring to go with some rest behind me though. I'm exhausted, but quietly victorious. It's damn good.
Looking forward to the full moon meditation at 6:08 am Melbourne time.

*The purpose of these stargates is to infuse and ground a powerful new creative matrix into the Planet. How this will affect you will be generally in a very positive way, if you are able to hold your consciousness at the Fifth Dimensional level.

You may find:
Increased energy and direction to focus on your creative passions. You will feel increasingly supported by this new energy as you explore your potential as a 5th Dimensional creator.

Relationships: These may become deeper and more meaningful as you explore the blessed energies of the new Soulmate unions. Many of you will have to release old relationships to make way for new and more balanced relationships.

Work: Many of you will experience sudden changes in job or career direction, as the new energy gives you new direction. You will increasingly feel the need to take risks in order to follow your passions and explore your dreams.

The Return of Excitement and Joy: As the energies settle you may increasingly find that sense of anticipation and excitement that you used to feel. Gradually, the joy will begin to return into your lives as you settle into the new Fifth-Dimensional way of life.

from http://www.starchild.co.za/stargates.html

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