Friday, May 13, 2005

The Healing Codes

Listening: Dr Cass Ingram on The Power Hour

Mood: Calm and peaceful

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all art and science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed.
Albert Einstein

What if you never had to get sick ever again? Wouldn't it be great if that could be true? It would be great, except that we have this thing called we call the "logical mind" which is probably getting in the way of that. Isn't it telling you right now that that's impossible? But what if you didn't need doctors, therapists, drug or props of any kind to stay immune from sickness for the rest of your life?

Well, as
amazing as it sounds, I have been using something that has shown me that it could be possible. It's a cutting edge energy healing system called The Healing Codes. Yesterday I began working with them again after a two month break (and some slight wobbliness), and I'm so glad I did. It has totally transformed my way of thinking about my health, and for the first time in my life I really believe it might be possible for me to not have to get sick ever again.

I first heard about them when I was listening to
Contact Radio one day last December. The hosts, Cameron and Lucia, were interviewing the two doctors behind the Healing Codes, a Dr. Alex Loyd, MS, ND and PhD candidate and Dr. Ben Johnson, MD, DO & NMD. They were talking about a quantum energy healing technique that Dr Loyd had discovered in 2001, and for the last three years they had been validating their research and working with thousands of clients with astonishing results.

The statistics alone said it all. Every single person who had used the Healing Codes for the last three years, following the correct protocols, had recovered from their illnesses no matter how great or small. Terminal diseases such as cancer were typically being healed by week six, and to date, no-one who has continued to do the
Healing Codes after their recovery has gotten sick again.

Dr Johnson, who ran a cancer clinic in Atlanta, found the Healing Codes system when he himself was struck down with a fatal disease called Lou Gehrig’s Disease, which usually kills within five years, with no known ten-year survivors. He ended up at one of Dr Loyd's seminars and decided to start treatments straight away. Eight weeks later he was given a clean bill of health. So now he, and a host of others whose lives have been changed by using the
Healing Codes themselves, have dedicated their resources, time and energy to help run the company, often for little or no pay. That's also why I am writing this post. I have seen it work in my life too.

When I first began to study quantum theory around 4 years ago, I realised something quite significant. It was that the discoveries that were being made in the quantum world would would revolutionize healing over the next 50-100 years, and as I had been looking around for a healing technique to train in, I knew that it had to incorporate
quantum physics.

My background as a yoga student and teacher has been instrumental in showing me the inter-connectedness of all the body systems, both physical and energetic, and as I just love studying health and the body it felt natural to want to take it further by becoming a healing practitioner myself. I knew that it had to be something cutting edge, something that incorporated light/consciousness/EM frequencies into the healing equation. Something a little bit Star Trek.

The scientists were certainly coming up with some mind-boggling stuff - like that the very underpinning of our universe was a heaving sea of energy (the zero point field), and that if that was really true, on the most fundamental level, everything would be connected to everything else.

"Through scientific experiment they'd demonstrated that there may be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe - what has variously been called collective consciousness or, as theologians have termed it, The Holy Spirit. They provided a plausible explanation of all those areas that over the centuries mankind has had faith in, but no solid evidence of or adequate accounting for, from the effectiveness to alternative medicine and even prayer to life after death. They offered us, in a sense, a science of religion.

Unlike the worldview of Newton or Darwin, theirs was a vision that was life-enhancing. These were ideas that could empower us, with their implications of order and control. We were not simply accidents of nature. There was a purpose and unity to our world and our place within it, and we had an important say in it. What we did and thought mattered - indeed, was critical in creating our world. Human beings were no longer separate from each other. It was no longer us and them. We were no longer at the periphery of our universe - on the outside looking in. We could take our rightful place, back in the centre of our world."

The Field - Lynne McTagggart (Harper Collins, 2001)

Well, I looked at a lot of things. At first I thought I would study with Sharry Edwards, at the Sound Health Research Institute, as the work she has done there should have won her a Nobel Prize years ago. I loved the idea of using sound to heal, but I disliked the cost involved in setting up that kind of practice. Perhaps one day I will pursue this further, but for now I wanted something simpler. I knew it was out there, I just had to find it.

I thought briefly that I might become a Reconnective Therapy practitioner, a Reiki-like healing modality that I've tried, but I don't really like the idea of waving my arms around someone lying prostrate on a table.

I considered Naturopathy, but felt that the training here wasn't the kind of training I wanted, and Dimensional Kinesiology/Kinergetics really appealed until I saw the course fees - $10,000 a year. As I already knew a lot of the background course material I would've felt ripped off, so I didn't go for it, but I really would love to learn it one day with another school or teacher. I've had some amazing success with kinesiology, and recommend it thoroughly, if you can be referred to a good practitioner. I've set my guy up with about six of my friends and they've all gone back.

So, after years of searching (and finding a lot of BS out there), when I heard these two doctors on the radio last year my ears pricked right up. I've become very good at being able to tell when someone is speaking their truth on the air, from years of listening to a LOT of liars, and they were both so genuine and were making so much sense that I slowly became more and more excited as the interview wore on. It sounded exactly like what I was looking for.

They mentioned how the technique targeted certain healing centres in the brain, particularly the hypothalamus (which also had a starring role in
What the Bleep), by triggering it to send peptides that would relieve stress and trauma that we all carry around down to the cellular level.

The concept of "cellular memory" had been something I'd really begun to understand at that point, and I knew that anything that could relieve that kind of stress at that level was going to reach the root cause of whatever could be wrong with you, and healing would then naturally to occur.

We are, after all, self-healing "carbon units" (as
Ramtha likes to say) of the highest order when our cells are in "growth mode". The Healing Codes literally send a message into every single cell to do just that. Rather than covering up symptoms with drugs, this appraoch of healing was from the inside out. Yoga works like that too. When I heard how it worked, I knew I had found it.

I decided I would order the package for myself for Christmas and it was the best present I have ever bought myself. In fact I don't think that you would be reading these words if it hadn't have been for the Healing Codes. I used to love writing when I was younger but after years of being a dedicated letter writer, journal keeper, and occasional journalist I let it all go and for a long time (probably a decade) I only wrote sporadically and it saddened me no end. Two weeks after I began working with the Healing Codes I started this blog, and if you're a regular you might've noticed I've written an average of a post every two-three days. That's not bad going.

I've been waiting to write about how it's all going for me because I wanted to see what would happen over time and it's been quite incredible. When I first got the package, besides wanting to become a practitioner, I got it as soon as I heard about it because I had found a small lump in my breast. I was worried, naturally, but I didn't panic as I know that cancer is curable and if that is what it was, I would do all the right things and be OK. Still, I began working with the Codes the day the package arrived.

As soon as I saw the material I knew I had done the right thing. The system is so well thought out, is very elegant in its simplicity, is based on some very good new science and when I did my very first treatment I could feel it working immediately.

Basically it involves certain hand positions that trigger certain healing centres in the brain in specific sequences (hence the Healing Codes), and 12 core categories that are addressed during the treatments which include "inhibitor" behaviours such as wrong beliefs we have about ourselves or harmful actions we engage in, which are to be removed; and "virtues", such as gentless and goodness, which are to be instilled while working with the hand positions and a "truth focus statement" which is something you should really believe.

I worked with the exercises three times that day (each takes around 6-8 minutes), and I experienced a detectable heat coming from my hands which stimulated the centres as well as heat around the centres themselves. It felt beautiful, and a few tears welled up as I realized that I could feel a healing taking place in my body. It's SO hard to describe, but I was peaceful and very, very grateful. Eartha, who was sitting on my lap, was also purring softly and seemed to be in resonace with me, so I knew she was getting a healing as well.

I woke up the next morning and the lump, which had been around for a month or so, was gone. GONE. I was shocked, thrilled, amazed all at once. I also jumped up and down in sheer joy for a minute while I thanked God. I had a check up to make sure and it's true, there's nothing there, and it hasn't come back since.

Since then I've worked with the Healing Codes with several family members and a couple of close friends and the results have been just as remarkable, especially with depression. I've also noticed that when I do the exercises, other things in my life improve as result. Work will just land in my lap for example whenever I do them. I even DJ better when I do them and more people come to my yoga classes. I've monitored it pretty closely over the months because the correlation is just so obvious.

It was really interesting to see what happened when I stopped doing them for awhile too. I had been on a real roll at the start of the year, everything I was working on seemed to be coming together in a really nice way. I was doing the codes every single day, and making a lot of progress. After years and years of going to different kinds of therapies, workshops, seminars etc etc, I was thrilled at how immediate the results that I was having were.

The first thing I noticed was that I was just feeling happier and the endless negative self-talk that droned on inside my head at times wasn't such a big thing anymore, which was great because my DJ sleep patterns can contribute to intermittent bouts of of the blues. I also started to notice that I was looking younger, my eyes were sparkling again, I felt a lot more energy and direction than usual, my moods were more even and I'd dropped a few pounds without even trying just because I felt so good inside.

Toby's parents came to stay for a week around that same time and while they were here I showed them how it worked and they really liked it so we did the treatments together as a group and found that it actually increased the effectiveness of them. While they were in town we all had a really beautiful time together, and got a good routine going with our exercises, but when they left, I got a bit lazy and left it for a couple of days.

When I tried to pick it up again, as I'd lost the momentum I'd gained working with the group, I lost my motivation and tried three separate attempts at re-starting, with varied amounts of success. I was finding all kinds of ways to rationalize my way out of it - too tired, not enough time etc etc, and well, I knew it was all a ploy to avoid having to change. As a result I started losing my direction, lost some gigs, felt pretty down on myself, all the usual stuff. Well, thankfully, I finally wore that dumbass attitude out, and I'm already at the start of day 3 again.

With the package comes some free coaching sessions with a certified coach to help you get started, so I rang up and took them up on the offer. They're such a lovely bunch of people, and I can honestly say that they've been totally caring and professional every time I've been in touch with their office. It was all I needed, so now I'm on my way again, and I want to record my progress here over the next few months. I hope you'll follow it with me. I feel as though it'll be worth it.

Yesterday's 1st treatment was in the "harmful actions" category. This is something I feel as though I've been trying to work on for most of my adult life, and it's not over yet, but maybe soon...

We all do things to ourselves that are harmful, whether it's isolating oneself from others to "protect" ourselves (but then wind up cutting ourselves off from love), to shopping for things we can't afford because then others will see us in a certain way. Mine involve taking certain pleasures of the five senses a little too far at times, and so I'm dealing with that right now.

So far, the treatments have been feeling really good (I got some heat coming off my fingers, and in my throat again the first time), and I'm working with a truth focus statement (this is something I say to myself while I do the hand positions) which is helping a lot: "I want to act intentionally based on what I believe is right, instead of reacting automatically based on past pains."

Still not a lot of change in my behaviour but it's early days. More updates soon.

Meanwhile have a look at the testimonials on their
site. They are from other real people like me. To your health!

"Dr Alex Loyd has the defining healing technology in the world today - it will revolutionize health. It is the easiest way to get well and stay well fast. Dr Loyd may very well be the Albert Schweitzer of our time."

Mark Victor Hansen

Co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul books


  1. Anonymous10:46 pm

    Dear Liz.

    I have been visiting your blog.

    I loved it - you are among the Warriors of Light..

    But of course, you already know.

    Just wanted you to know, that I know.

    I have bookmarked your site - and will follow it.

  2. I am so grateful that this blog has helped me connect with people from all over the world, that in all probablity I would never have met otherwise.

    I was so deeply touched by what you had to say. Thank you for recognising the spirit behind the words. I checked out your site too, it's awesome. Great work, and more power to you!

  3. This year I actually AM a warrior.

    According to the Dreamspell, which is based on the Mayan calendar, the galactic gateway that co-incided with my birthday in 2004 was:

    kin 256: Yellow Solar Warrior

    I Pulse in order to Question
    Realizing Fearlessness
    I seal the Output of Intelligence
    With the Solar tone of Intention
    I am guided by the power of Free Will

    These are the guiding qualities for the rest of the year which ends on July 25, The Day Out of Time. That will explain a few things about me to the canny traveller. From July 23 this year I will be having a "dragon" year.

    kin 101: Red Planetary Dragon

    I Perfect in order to Nurture
    Producing Being
    I seal the Input of Birth
    With the Planetary tone of Manifestation
    I am guided by the power of Universal Water

    Funnily enough, I was planning to physically become a mother next year sometime, and not because of the calendar. I'm sure at the very least I'll give birth to some more ideas (no shortage of them around here), but it just goes to show how smart those Mayans were, eh?

    If you'd like to decode your birthdate and find out your "galactic signature", you can do so at

  4. Anonymous10:04 pm

    I'm totally inspired by the Healing Codes, which I heard about through you.

    When I've got the money together I'm definitely buying the pack and wuld like to be a practicioner someday, for sure

    Sharing is caring, and Liz you do, oh yes, you do!

  5. Darling Alex,

    How wonderful that you are in touch some parts of the world this is national friendship usual, you are as supportive and loving as any friend could be. And even though we're separated by thousands of miles while you unleash your light on the Northern hemisphere,it never really feels like that to me.

    Wow, I never thought you'd be interested in actually becoming a HC practitioner though! That's so cool. I'm definitely going to as well. I look forward to the treatments now instead of making excuses becuase I can feel my "powers" getting stronger and it feels so good.

    I just found out that when you do want to sign up, using my affiliate link will get you $100 off the price. I was pretty happy when I found that out, so I thought I better pass it on.

    Big hugs, Liz x

  6. Anonymous3:47 am


    Im very curious to know more about these healing codes... i clicked on the link and its pretty costly.. is there another way?
