Wednesday, July 12, 2006

11,000 Hits!

Listening: Coast to Coast live
Feeling: Sparkly

I am so excited! My wee blogette has now amassed 11,000 hits since taking its first tentative steps into the cyberspace noosphere at the beginning of last year.

Thanks so much, Everybody! I love you guys. My birthday is in two weeks so I'm going to take it as an early birthday present too if you don't mind.

To celebrate, I will be submitting the latest instalment of the Otherware Search Word Awards. Yes!

Unbeknownst to you, I have been quietly trawling through my Site Meter referalls all year searching for the very best of 'em, and if searches like:

"Past life memories of being a priestess with 12 women in a temple a crystal under the platform"

are any indication, you'll have some fun reading what I've compiled.

That's coming very, very soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Liz,

    First time hearing your voice from the show and I definitely see why you're on the radio.

