Friday, November 25, 2005

Somebody Stop Me

Listening: The Power Hour with Joyce and Dave Von Kleist Live on GCN Radio

Feeling: Exhausted but determined to post something before I pass out...

I was going to stop this a couple of days ago, and that would've been fine. It would've still been somewhat healthy - a nice 11 day period of recording the multiples of Master Numbers (especially 11), that for at least the last 11 months have hounded me wherever I go. They appear everywhere, and it's gotten so frequent that I often experience this strange combination of wonder and irritation simultaneously when I find myself gazing yet again at some clock face or shopping receipt only to discover it's happened again. It even happens on my site meter. Visits that last .11 seconds or 1.11 minutes or 11 minutes, at 11:11 or 1:11 on the clock. Crikey.

So what follows is a record of how often I'll see these numbers. I must add at the outset that I detest mechanized time, therefore looking habitually at a watch (don't wear one) or a clock is just not my style. It hasn't made one jot of difference though - I'll feel compelled to turn my head in a certain direction for no apparant reason - and there they'll be.

I decided to start making note of these crazy sequences on the 11th of this month(what a surprise) for a couple of reasons. Firstly to just prove to myself that I wasn't going mad. I knew that I saw the number 11 a lot, and I knew that other Master Numbers were showing up all the time too, but man, after looking at this list, I know something is definitely up.

The other reason was that when I was having my DNA activated with Ananara, part of the message she channelled for me contained instructions for me to make a record of them too - something to do with my work in other dimensions. I was told that every time I see these numbers it is because another part of me (the part that works with the music of the spheres) is doing some super-galactic HTML coding or something, and it's a way for the ME in the third dimension to connect with the ME in the seventh dimension, or something. Even though the cosmic request came through in September, it wasn't until the 11:11:11 gateway that I remembered to start doing some recording.

I thought I would stop doing it after a week, but actually found myself unable to (!) so I kept it up without much question until the 22nd rolled around. Then I realised that it was 11 days since the recording began so it made sense to stop it then, but no! It's now the 26th and as I type this sentence I've just glanced at the time on my monitor and what would you know, it's just gone 12:44 am, and I've got to add that to the list. I don't want to start something here, but's frighteningly, deliriously addictive.

Anyway, I hope that that this post signifies some kind of "closing of the portal" or something, as I'm getting pretty over it now quite frankly. I think I've done all that I can with this anyway. Jeez, where's John Nash when you need him? Where's Solara? Are there any cosmic code breakers lurking out there that can give me some kind of explanation please? Please?!

11th 6:26am, 11:44, 12:22, 2:44.

12th 9.09am, 3.03am, 3:32, 3:33, 3:44, 4:04, 4:44(am), 4:44pm, 5:55, 6:06, 10:10, 11:10,

13th 1:11am(went to bed), 11:11 (turned on the computer), 44, 11:22, 11:44, 12:22, 1:01, 1:13, 4:44 (as I write of Sekhmet)

14th 1:11am, 1:44, 11:12, 22:21 11:22

15th 12:12 12:33, 1:01, 1:11, 1:33, 2:44, 3:03, 4:44. 5:11, 5:22, 11:11, 11:44

16th 3:33PM, 3:44, 4:11, 5;11, 11:41, 11:44, 12:21

17th 10:10, 20:11, 20:22, 20:33, 11:11, 1:11am

18th 11:00, 12:22, 1:00, 1:11, 4:14, 1:11am, 2:11, 2:22

19th 11:44, 12:12, 1:21, 2:44

20th 12:12, 12:33, 1:11, 1:41, 7:44, 8:11, 8:33, 10:00, 10:11, 10:33, 10:44,
12:44, 1:11, 1:33, 1:55

21st 10:33, 10:44, 11:33, 5:55, 8:33, 11:01, 12:44, 1:01, 1:22, 1:33, 1:44, 2:44, 3:11

22nd 11:44, 10:01, 11:00, 11:11, 11:22, 11:44, 12:11, 12:22, 12:33, 1:10

23rd 2:22, 2:55, 4:55, 5:44, 8;44, 9:11, 9:33, 10:11, 11:00, 11:01, 11:11,11:22, 11:44, 12:11, 12:22, 2:33, 3:11,

24th 12:22, 2:33, 3:11, 7:22, 7:33, 8:33, 8;44, 9:11, 9:22, 11:11, 11:22, 12:11, 12:12, 1:01, 1:11


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